
  • 网络taijiang district
  1. 2006~2007年福州市台江区食品卫生行政处罚案例分析

    Case Analysis of Food Hygiene Administration Punishment in Taijiang District Fuzhou City from 2006 to 2007

  2. 福州市台江区残疾人康复需求及影响因素的分析

    Analysis of Rehabilitation Demands of the Disabled in Taijiang District of Fuzhou City and Influence Factors

  3. 福州市台江区398名低年级中学生的心理健康状况及其影响因素

    Mental Health and Its Affecting Factors of 398 Low-grade Middle School Students in Tai Jiang District of Fuzhou City

  4. 台江区由于是老城区,绿地破坏和挤占现象严重,绿地覆盖率、人均绿地面积和绿地率都很低,分别只有20.2%、4.15㎡和14.5%。

    Taijiang as the old city , green space destruction and misuse is serious , with very low green space coverage fraction ratio , the average per person green space area and the green space ratio , about 20.2 % , 4.15 ㎡, 14.5 % .