
  • 网络Town Hall;Manchester Town Hall
  1. 她的老师说,根据曼彻斯特市政厅的规定,在最近炎热的天气下,带防晒油回校是十分危险的,因为那容易引起其他同学的过敏症,所以她不适宜带防晒油回学校。

    Her teachers said that under guidelines issued by Manchester City Council , she could not apply the lotion during the recent heatwave in case it sparked any allergies other pupils might have .

  2. 曼彻斯特的市政厅是一座维多利亚时期新哥特风格的建筑,那里有着许许多多讲述这座城市历史的精美壁画。

    MANCHESTER 'S town hall is a Victorian neo-Gothic temple to local government , packed with murals commemorating episodes from the city 's history .