
  • 网络Bangkok University;Bangkok University FC
  1. 进入:建筑基地位于曼谷大学校园主校区的前部。

    ACCESS : The building site is in front of the main campus of Bangkok University .

  2. 曼谷大学地标性综合体的生成是因为一系列需求的出现,包括重新突出学院的前门场地,创造出一个独特的入口空间。

    The Bangkok University Landmark Complex is initiated on the necessities that are to reorganize the frontal area of the campus and to create an outstanding approach for the campus 's entrance .

  3. “疥疮是一种全世界常见的寄生虫感染性疾病,尤其是热带,”泰国曼谷Mahidol大学的R。

    " Scabies is a common parasitic infection globally , particularly in the tropics ," Dr.R.McGready , of Mahidol University , Bangkok , Thailand , and colleagues write .

  4. 与此同时,曼谷法政大学(Thammasat)创新学院的希拉蓬•森克弗教授(JiraponSunkpho)表示,在泰国,一旦年轻毕业生意识到没有足够的工作机会,IT培训热情就可能转瞬即逝。

    In Thailand , meanwhile , the enthusiasm for IT training could prove shortlived once young graduates realise that there are not enough jobs on offer , says Jirapon Sunkpho , a professor in the innovation college at Bangkok 's Thammasat university .

  5. 曼谷朱拉隆功大学教授苏查特说,军方的政策未必能长期抑制暴力的发生。

    Professor Surachart Bamrungsuk , a political scientist at Bangkok 's Chulalongkorn University , says it is not certain the policy will contain the violence for long .

  6. 泰国首都曼谷朱拉隆功大学的政治学教授蓬素提拉说,布什总统把精力过于集中在缅甸问题上,对东南亚地区的其他问题,没有予以足够的重视。

    " When the Bush administration pays attention to Southeast Asia , it 's about Burma . So , the US foreign policy has really not fully engaged in the region ," said Pongsudhirik .

  7. 设在曼谷的朱拉隆功大学的政治学家潘尼坦说,两国政府必需继续会谈以避免冲突。

    Panitan Wattanayagorn , a political scientist at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok , says the two governments need to resume talks to avoid violence .

  8. 曼谷朱拉龙宫大学泰国政治专家旁苏迪拉克说:

    Professor Thitinan Pongsudhirak is an expert on Thai politics at Bangkok 's Chulalongkorn University .

  9. 在被批判之后,泰国曼谷的泰国农业大学校方发表声明,称这个主意是学生想出来的。

    After being criticized , senior academic staff at Kasetsart University in Bangkok , Thailand , released a statement saying that the hats idea came from students .