
  • 网络Manitoba;The University of Manitoba
  1. 陈先生持有加拿大曼尼托巴大学社会及政治学学位及该大学城市规划硕士学位,更获颁授工商管理学荣誉博士学位。

    He holds a double major degree in sociology and political science , a masters degree in city planning from the University of Manitoba and an honorary doctorate degree in business administration .

  2. 有关硫的来源,朗布尔和加拿大曼尼托巴大学的地球化学家安德雷·贝克以及其他几个同事,从来自澳大利亚西部的古代岩石中偶然发现了线索。

    Rumble , geochemist Andrey Bekker of the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg , Canada , and several other colleagues hit upon a clue to the sulfur 's origins in ancient rocks from Western Australia .