
qiān mò zòng héng
  • The paths crisscrossed in the fields;Straight paths cross the fields;numerous footpaths in the field
阡陌纵横[qiān mò zòng héng]
  1. 阡陌纵横。

    The paths crisscrossed in the fields .

  2. 乡村的田野里阡陌纵横。

    The paths crisscrossed in the fields in the countryside .

  3. 广阔的宁夏川水草丰美、阡陌纵横。

    Wide Plain of Ningxia lush , terraced rice paddies aspect .

  4. 阡陌纵横旳路途,谁兂意间牵动了涐手中的红线。

    Crisscross paths on the way , who would it affect my hands of the red line between .

  5. 她摸了摸她阡陌纵横的脸颊上眼泪图腾被剔除后留下的褪色的疤痕。

    She touched the faded scar upon her wrinkled cheek , where her tears had been cut away .

  6. 郊外阡陌纵横,我第一次去春游时几乎迷路。

    With paths crisscrossing in the suburbs , I almost lost my way the first time I went for a spring outing .

  7. 上海阡陌纵横的街道无疑充斥着都市的喧嚣与浮躁,而这些正是我最不愿意接触的。

    Undoubtedly , the crisscross streets here are fraught with clamor and impetuosity , which I am the most reluctant to contact .

  8. 乡村的田野里阡陌纵横。火山、大湖和湍急的河流横越全岛。

    The paths crisscrossed in the fields in the countryside . Volcanoes , large lakes , and quickly flowing rivers traverse the land .

  9. 绍兴地区阡陌纵横,河道交错,舟楫穿梭,具有中国典型的水乡地貌。

    Typical of water town features , the area in Shaoxing is crisscrossed with fields and rivers on which boats shuttle to and from .

  10. 在远处的皑皑雪峰隐约出现之时,规模较小的群山则向古城倒来。丽江城内,阡陌纵横,但底部正受采石厂蚕食。

    Snow-capped mountains loom in the distance while smaller hills tumble down towards the town , criss-crossed by paths and nibbled away by quarries at their bases .
