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qiān mò
  • crisscross footpaths between fields;boundary of a field;field;open country;way;folk;among the people
阡陌 [qiān mò]
  • (1) [boundary of a field]∶田界

  • 田连阡陌

  • (2) [crisscross footpaths between fie-lds]∶田间小路

  • 阡陌交通。--晋. 陶渊明《桃花源记》

  • (3) [field;open country]∶田野,垄亩

  • 援旗誓众,奋于阡陌之上。--晋. 陆机《豪士赋》序

  • (4) [way]∶比喻途径、门路

  • (5) 草野民间 [folk;among the people]

  • 倔起阡陌之中。--汉. 贾谊《过秦论上》

阡陌[qiān mò]
  1. 纵横阡陌,我们的指纹印在哪里,哪里就会显露最古老的预言。

    Going through crisscross footpaths between fields , wherever our fingerprints reach , wherever the oldest presage will show .

  2. 阡陌纵横。

    The paths crisscrossed in the fields .

  3. 阡陌交通。

    Linking paths lead everywhere .

  4. 如今,他的影响力已经如日中天,从好莱坞(凯特•布兰切特(CateBlanchett)、鲁妮•玛拉(RooneyMara)到蕾哈娜(Rihanna))的红地毯到寻常阡陌:印有流行文化标识的纪梵希运动衫已成为离经叛道奢侈一族的周末必备行头。

    Today , his influence reaches from the Holly ­ wood red carpet - Cate Blanchett , Rooney Mara and Rihanna are all devotees of his darkly sensuous gowns - to the street : Givenchy printed sweats featuring totems of popular culture have become mandatory uniform among the louche-luxe weekend set .

  5. 广阔的宁夏川水草丰美、阡陌纵横。

    Wide Plain of Ningxia lush , terraced rice paddies aspect .

  6. 乡村的田野里阡陌纵横。

    The paths crisscrossed in the fields in the countryside .

  7. 吹得阡陌鹅黄浅绿,天空湿润婉约。

    Blown light yellow light green terraced rice paddies , wet sky graceful .

  8. 阡陌纵横旳路途,谁兂意间牵动了涐手中的红线。

    Crisscross paths on the way , who would it affect my hands of the red line between .

  9. 她摸了摸她阡陌纵横的脸颊上眼泪图腾被剔除后留下的褪色的疤痕。

    She touched the faded scar upon her wrinkled cheek , where her tears had been cut away .

  10. 大量的日常生活,仍然行走在习惯性规范的阡陌中。

    The massive daily life still walks in the crisscrossing footpaths in folk fields which customary norms formed .

  11. 郊外阡陌纵横,我第一次去春游时几乎迷路。

    With paths crisscrossing in the suburbs , I almost lost my way the first time I went for a spring outing .

  12. 上海阡陌纵横的街道无疑充斥着都市的喧嚣与浮躁,而这些正是我最不愿意接触的。

    Undoubtedly , the crisscross streets here are fraught with clamor and impetuosity , which I am the most reluctant to contact .

  13. 乡村的田野里阡陌纵横。火山、大湖和湍急的河流横越全岛。

    The paths crisscrossed in the fields in the countryside . Volcanoes , large lakes , and quickly flowing rivers traverse the land .

  14. 绍兴地区阡陌纵横,河道交错,舟楫穿梭,具有中国典型的水乡地貌。

    Typical of water town features , the area in Shaoxing is crisscrossed with fields and rivers on which boats shuttle to and from .

  15. 他听到人们呼唤他的名字的声音,阡陌间互传着&他的船来了的讯息。

    And he heard their voices calling his name , and shouting from field to field telling one another of the coming of the ship .

  16. 在远处的皑皑雪峰隐约出现之时,规模较小的群山则向古城倒来。丽江城内,阡陌纵横,但底部正受采石厂蚕食。

    Snow-capped mountains loom in the distance while smaller hills tumble down towards the town , criss-crossed by paths and nibbled away by quarries at their bases .

  17. 阡陌长长,纤手抚落桃花如雨,红尘一梦韶华去,是谁的冰心化了琉璃的脆弱?

    Crossroad long , real estate broker ask peach drop like rain , the Red to a dream Shaohua , who is Bing of the fragility of glass ?

  18. 站在上海的外滩,以浦江东望,只见昔日那片旧棚简屋,苇塘阡陌等浦东大地到处是气魄非凡的摩天大楼。

    Standing on the famous bund of shanghai and looking eastward across the huangpu river , one cannot but see clusters of magnificent high rise buildings in pudong , which used to be largely a rural area scattered with dilapidated old houses , fields of ways , puddles and pools .
