
Lǔ Bān
  • Luban;famous technician, perhaps contemporary with Confucius, honored as God of Carpentry
鲁班 [lǔ bān]
  • [Lu Ban;the Chinese master carpenter] (生卒年不详) 中国古代的建筑工匠。姓公输名般,春秋时鲁国人,般与班同音,故称鲁班。据传曾创造攻城的云梯和刨、钻等土木作工具。他用竹片、木料做成木鸢飞在天上三天下不来。相传锁也是他发明的。他还善于造桥,石雕技术精湛。后世尊奉他为木匠、泥瓦匠、铁匠、石匠的师祖,称他鲁班爷

  1. 他手艺真巧,简直是鲁班再生。

    His skill is really excellent . he 's another Lu Ban master carpenter .

  2. 公元前4世纪,能工巧匠公输班(GongshuBan,即鲁班)和哲学家墨翟(MoDi,即墨子),各自制作出了能随风自由翱翔的鸟形风筝,这对新奇的事物马上流行了起来。

    During the fourth century B.C. , Gongshu Ban and Mo Di , a patron of the arts and a philosopher , respectively , constructed bird-shaped kites that dipped and dove in the wind . The pair 's novelty caught on quickly .

  3. 鲁班路泵站深基坑施工技术

    Construction Technology of Deep Foundation Pit of Luban Road Pumping Station

  4. 企业质量管理体系和新技术的应用是确保创鲁班奖的保证

    Quality Management System & Application of New Technologies Guarantee of Obtaining Luban Prize

  5. 如何做好创建鲁班奖工程的策划工作

    The plan work of the project won Luban prize

  6. 晋江电力大厦设备安装工程创鲁班奖经验探讨

    Probe into the Experience of Jinjiang Power Mansion Installation Project Winning Luban Award

  7. 一种奇特的书写符号&鲁班字

    " Lu Ban " Characters : Unique Writing Signs

  8. 事情做二遍,人人成鲁班。

    If thing be to be do twice , all will be wise .

  9. 而德胜鲁班木工学校正是在这一领域扮演着最关键的角色。

    Tecsun Luban Technical School plays a vital role with this carpentry program .

  10. 桥底保留着鲁班的手印。

    Lu Ban 's fingerprints were also left on the arch of the bridge .

  11. 鲁班传说研究

    A Study of the Legends about Lu Ban

  12. 建于狭窄的山脊上,俯视汹涌的乌鲁班巴河。

    Built on a narrow ridge overlooking the turbulent waters of the Urubamba river .

  13. 这座桥是鲁班造的。(这桥被制造由鲁班。)

    This bridge was built by Lu Ban .

  14. 电建鲁班挑战世界纪录世界是贱的

    Electric Power Construction People Doing Like the Famous Ancients Luban Challenge the World Record

  15. 其三,分析并论述鲁班传说丰富的思想内容与不可企及的艺术魅力。

    Third , the diesis analyzes and discusses the rich ideological contents and artistic charm .

  16. 承建专案多次获得建筑行业工程品质最高奖&鲁班奖。

    Construction projects have received the highest prize in building construction quality luban prize several times .

  17. 曾获得“鲁班奖”、“钱江杯”、“西湖杯”等多个奖项。

    Have access to " Luban Prize "," Qianjiang Cup "," West Lake Cup " and many other awards .

  18. 被称为匠师之祖的公输般鲁班,就生活于春秋末年。

    It was in the last years of this period that Luban , the founder of carpenter , lived .

  19. 木匠祖师鲁班一夜之间把羊群化成石头建起大桥。

    Lu Ban , the carpenters ' ancestor , turned the sheep into stones overnight to make the bridge .

  20. 大桥下面,鲁班用力托住桥身,留下了一只大手印。

    Beneath the bridge , lu Ban left a big hand print when he tried to prop up the bridge .

  21. 精心策划,建造精品工程&以获鲁班奖的泉州师院图书馆建设为案例

    Elaborate design , building excellent project & basing on the case of the construction of the library of Quanzhou Teachers College

  22. 因些把那些在鲁班门前展现它们用斧技巧的人被认为是愚蠢致及的人。

    Thus it was considered the height of folly to show off one 's skill with an axe in front of Lu Ban .

  23. 针对创鲁班奖工程,全面系统地从各个方面阐述了所必须具备的条件,供创精品工程人员参考。

    In view of winning Luban Prize engineering , the paper elaborates the essential condition to supply builders for reference in different aspects .

  24. 其次,着重论述了鲁班传说在不同历史时期、不同地域、不同民族中的流传和发展。

    Second , the thesis focuses on the circulation and development of the legends about Lu Ban in different historical times , areas and peoples .

  25. 《鲁班经》是我国惟一流传的记载民舍、家具、农业和手工业工具制作工艺的著作。

    The Records of Lu Ban is the only work available about folk buildings , furniture , agriculture , handicraft industry and technology of tool making .

  26. 他给自己的飞行器取名“墨子”,为纪念一位中国哲学家。很多传说讲墨子在公元前五世纪时,和鲁班一起发明了风筝。

    He calls the plane Mozi , after the Chinese philosopher who , by many accounts , invented the kite with Lu Ban in the5th Century BC .

  27. 自宋代以来,广泛流传着鲁班修桥的神话故事,人们把匠师李春喻为“圣人”。

    Ever since the song Dynasty , there was a prevailing myth of lu Ban building the bridge , and people honor li Chun " saint . "

  28. 巴士及高速火车将游客载到乌鲁班巴河畔的一个小镇,游客可以从那里步行前往马丘比丘,亦可搭乘当地的巴士前往。

    Buses and high-speed trains take visitors to a town on the Urubamba River from where they can hike or take a local bus up to Machu Picchu .

  29. 鲁班见势不妙,纵身跳人水中,用于将桥托住,才使大桥安然无恙。

    Grasping the peril , lu Ban plunged into the river and proped up the bridge with his hand . Only by his effort could the bridge survive .

  30. 首先,本文通过对相关古籍资料的梳理、分析,论述了鲁班传说的源头及最初的形态。

    First , the thesis analyzes and discusses the origin and the original forms of the legends about Lu Ban through sorting out the correlated ancients books and materials .