
  1. 冲击波超压在80m范围外会使玻璃破碎,但无人员伤亡;

    The shockwave overpressure at 80 m away can cause the break of the window glass , but no injury happens .

  2. 玻璃破碎的声音使她坐得笔直。

    The sound of breaking glass made her sit bolt upright .

  3. 玻璃破碎时非颗粒状。

    When it is broken , its fragments stay non-granulated .

  4. 玻璃破碎的声音此时亦显得美丽而深刻。

    The sound of breaking glass now also appear beautiful and profound .

  5. 我们听到玻璃破碎的声音。

    We heard the sound of breaking glass .

  6. 陨石坠落使得汽车防盗铃声此起彼伏,窗户玻璃破碎,手机信号也时好时断。

    Car alarms went off , windows shattered and mobile phones worked only intermittently .

  7. 听到玻璃破碎的声音,我们知道闯祸了。

    At the sound of fractured glass , we knew we were in trouble .

  8. 玻璃破碎的声音可以表示一段爱情或友谊的结束。

    And breaking of glass can indicate the end of a relationship or a friendship .

  9. 玻璃破碎原因简要分析

    Brief analysis the reasons of glass break

  10. 然而,保护玻璃破碎。

    However , the glass cracked .

  11. 玻璃破碎的声音

    the sound of shattering glass

  12. 复合式玻璃破碎检测器

    Combined glass break detector

  13. 一听到玻璃破碎的声音,我像兔子一样从老夫人的后院里飞快地逃走了。

    Hearing the crash of broken window , I escaped quickly like a rabbit from the back yard .

  14. 安全性:玻璃破碎后,碎片成钝角的细小碎块,对人体不会造成重大伤害。

    Safety performance : the minute glass won 't harm the body seriously when the glass breaks into small parts .

  15. 这时传来了玻璃破碎的声音,一只手从司机座边的窗户伸了进来。

    There was the sound of breaking glass , and a hand reached in through the driver 's side window .

  16. 爆震可能使结构物的钢架变形,屋顶倒塌墙壁内陷,墙板破碎,窗户玻璃破碎等。

    The blast may deflect structural steel frames , collapse roofs , dish-in walls , shatter panels , and break windows .

  17. 遇外力冲击玻璃破碎后成蜂窝状颗粒,可避免对人体的伤害,安全性能好。

    When broken by impact of outside force , glass becomes honeycomb grains , avoiding harming human body , with good safety performance .

  18. 玻璃破碎探测器的监测范围为一整个房间(与窗户多少无关)。

    Broken glass detectors to monitor the entire range of a room ( with nothing to do with the number of windows ) .

  19. 该报警器配用相应的标准保安探头,可以实现防开启、防接近、防玻璃破碎、防火灾等全面的保安功能。

    This alarm is equipped with standard security probe which can perform several secure functions , including the prevention of turning , approaching , breaking of glass , and the prevention of fire .

  20. 她担心玻璃会破碎。

    She was frightened that the glass would break .

  21. 某阳光篷屋顶玻璃开裂破碎原因分析

    Analysis on cause of split on roofing glass of one sunlight awning

  22. 固体可燃物火焰传播速率及玻璃窗破碎问题的数值计算

    Calculation of the flame propagation speed of solid fuel and the prediction of glass window 's breaking

  23. 当公交撞到卡车时,车上的人从座位弹起,玻璃车窗破碎,所有人都在尖叫,我还记得我当时吓坏了。

    When the bus hit the truck , people was thrown from their seats and I could hear glass being broken . People were crying and I remember being scared .

  24. 爆炸使屋里的每一面玻璃窗都破碎了。

    The explosion shattered every window in the house .

  25. 有的时候人的生命如玻璃一样容易破碎。

    Sometimes , the life of human being is as brittle as thin glass .

  26. 断口之结构(如矿物或玻璃之新破碎面)。

    The texture , as of a mineral , or of glass shown by a fresh break .

  27. 玻璃包装耐磨防破碎装饰涂料技术研究

    Technical Research on the Durable Grinding and Anti-breaking Decorating Coating of Glass Packaging

  28. 通过对枪弹撞击玻璃所产生的破碎裂纹进行了理论分析及实验,得出了玻璃袭纹与射击距离的关系。

    According to the experiments and theory analysis of the crackle on the glass by bullet hitting , we get the relationship between the glass crackle and the distance of shooting .

  29. 本实用新型能有效地防止玻璃面板不容易破碎,和玻璃面板一旦破碎不会飞溅伤人。

    The glass face plate can be effectively prevented from crushing easily by the utility model , and the glass face plate can not splash to injure a person when once crushed .

  30. 现在我来谈谈因“货物内在缺陷或特性”,诸如:由于物品变质,液体渗漏以及玻璃或陶瓷器破碎所引起的损失。

    Now let us turn to loses through " inherent vice or nature of the subject matter insured ", such as deterioration of food , leakage of liquid and breakage of glass or ceramics .