
  • 网络glass door;Glassdoor;patio door;Glassdoor.com
  1. 他们砸破一道玻璃门进去了。

    They had smashed through a glass door to get in .

  2. 他把拳头伸进了玻璃门。

    He put his fist through a glass door .

  3. 有玻璃门通到这个阳台。

    There were glass doors leading on to this balcony .

  4. 我看到她打开那扇玻璃门走进了房间。

    I saw her open the glass door and enter the room .

  5. 入口正面有一大型全高度玻璃门。

    The entrance facade consists of a large full height glass door .

  6. 采用布朗桥方法对有金属网格玻璃门反射的走廊环境中UWB多径信道的成簇特性进行仿真和分析;

    The clustering property is validated by using a Brownian bridge model of UWB multipath channels to simulate a corridor environment of two glass doors with metal grid inside .

  7. 房间中央的一台电视播放了他的一段视频,他在视频中坦率讲述自己被诊断染上HIV。之后不久,他从房间角落的一扇玻璃门中走出来。

    He emerged through a glass door in the corner of the room , shortly after a video of him , speaking frankly about his diagnosis of H.I.V. , played on a television in the center of the room .

  8. 五天后,凯文挤过了龙卷风一样旋转的玻璃门出了Newark机场,刚到外面,就看见一辆加长的豪华大奔,已经停在了他面前的接人过道上。

    Five days later , Kevin exited Newark Airport through an automated tornado of revolving glass , just as a Mercedes limousine slid to a stop in the passenger pickup lane in front of him .

  9. 双层透明保温玻璃门,内充隋性气体。

    Double transparent insulation glazed door , filled with inert gas .

  10. 两个人走到一个带玻璃门的大冰箱,里面有牛奶制品。

    They reach a large , glass-doored refrigerator containing dairy products .

  11. 丹。皮乔奥维奇用马克笔在箭厂空间的玻璃门上画一些素描。

    Dan Perjovschi makes drawings on the Arrow Factory glass facade .

  12. 我忘了关楼下的玻璃门了。

    You know , I left the glass doors open downstairs .

  13. 街垒里有扇玻璃门,用处可大呢。

    A glass door is an excellent thing in a barricade .

  14. 陈列冷柜玻璃门表面结露问题的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Condensation Problem of Glass Surface of Display Refrigerator

  15. 比尔:我昨天撞到玻璃门上了。

    Bill : I ran into a glass door yesterday .

  16. 我撞到一扇玻璃门上,把头撞伤了。

    I ran up against a glass door and hurt my head .

  17. 中空玻璃门,防凝露,透明度高;

    Hollow glass door , dew-congealing resistible , high transparency ;

  18. 瞬间,他们将被迎进后面的玻璃门。

    Within moments , they will be ushered behind the glass door .

  19. 这时,我看到联合快递的人正站在玻璃门的外边。

    Only to find the UPS guy standing at our glass front door .

  20. 他挥拳打穿了一扇玻璃门。

    He put his fist through a plate-glass door .

  21. 餐厅区经由10英尺高(约3米)的玻璃门通往屋后的一处露台。

    The dining area opens to a back patio through 10-foot-tall glass doors .

  22. 在黑暗的走廊上,他一头撞在玻璃门上了。

    He ran his head against the glass door in a dark corridor .

  23. 有一次,一只鸟撞倒了我家的玻璃门。

    A bird flew into our glass door once .

  24. 适用于普通窗、玻璃门及大型推拉玻璃门。

    Apply to ordinary windows , glass doors and large sliding glass doors .

  25. (通常有玻璃门)存放和展示瓷器的橱柜。

    A cabinet ( usually with glass doors ) for storing and displaying china .

  26. 这辆汽车闯过那扇玻璃门。

    The car crashed through the glass door .

  27. 你们瞧,这儿有扇玻璃门。

    Hullo , here 's a glass door .

  28. 我的头撞到玻璃门上,疼得厉害。

    I ran my head into the glass the door ; it hurt badly .

  29. 我们的歌是发出嗓音的玻璃门。

    Our song is the slamming screen door .

  30. 打开玻璃门,走出去,亲近一下室外阳光。

    Open the glass door and walk out , you will be close to nature .