
He and other regulators will have the tools they need in future , he recently told the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission .
This has turned into a crunch week for the financial services industry , with bankers due to testify tomorrow at the first public hearing of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission .
The US Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission has launched a sharp attack on Goldman Sachs for its " abysmal " response to requests for information and issued a subpoena to compel it to provide documents and executives for interviews .
The rest of the company as far as we could tell was an effective , sound company with a lot of value , he said . The FCIC is considering the phenomenon of too big to fail institutions such as AIG and Lehman .
Propublica has already won two Pulitzer Prizes for its work , including investigations into the financial crisis and the provision of health care in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina ( with the New York Times Magazine ) .
But the congressional panel did not appear convinced .
The committee had bipartisan support , unlike the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission , which reported in January .
Goldman , which denies the SEC charges and has defended its business practices , said : We have been and continue to be committed to providing the FCIC with the information they have requested .
Tomorrow marks the first public meeting of what 's called the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission , a panel set up by Congress , a lot like the 9 / 11 Commission was , to get to the bottom of last year 's financial meltdown .
Former US Diplomat Criticizes Japan 's Nuclear Response After a magnitude 9.0 earthquake and historic tsunami battered northeastern Japan on March 11 a veteran U.S. diplomat , who had just been removed from the top post on the island of Okinawa , was among those put in charge of a crisis task force in Washington .
Investigation of the crises status of young medical workers in economical transforming period
In a recent study , we examined how 15 economies had responded to recent financial crises .
Their unbridled political contributions and massive lobbying created the lack of regulation and oversight that led to this crisis , said Bill Buzenberg , who headed the CPI investigation .