
kǔ tòng
  • pain;suffering
苦痛 [kǔ tòng]
  • [pain;suffering] 痛苦

苦痛[kǔ tòng]
  1. 她说,所有人的生活都受缚于饥饿、苦痛和欲望。

    All people , she said , lived their lives in bondage to hunger , pain and lust .

  2. 我几天前和Sahil聊了一阵儿,他是皇马的球迷。我们都同意足球在过去五年内带给我们太多的苦痛。

    I was talking to Sahil a few days ago in the immediate aftermath of Real Madrid 's European exit , and we both agreed that football had caused us much pain over the last five years .

  3. 他们一直在忍受苦痛并且祈祷。

    All the time they agonized and prayed .

  4. 即便是现在,皮诺契特的统治仍是人民苦痛的回忆。

    The memory of Pinochet 's rule is painful even now .

  5. 忍耐是苦痛的,但它的果实是甜蜜的

    " Patience is bitter , but its fruit is sweet "

  6. 人生的路上,还会经历多少苦痛。

    On way of life , but also through many pains .

  7. 他硬起心肠对穷人们的苦痛不表同情。

    He steeled his heart against the sufferings of the poor .

  8. 解脱了行动和苦痛,也解脱了内心

    The release from action and suffering , release from the inner

  9. 噢总是面对前面不定道路的永恒苦痛!

    Oh the pain of always having face the road !

  10. 有一个词使我们摆脱了生活中所有的负担和苦痛

    One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life

  11. 同样一种苦痛、虔敬、辛酸的情感充满了他的心。

    The same sad , piercing , religious sentiment filled his heart .

  12. 如果你能忍受得了这些苦痛的话,我就可以帮助你。

    If you will bear all this , I will help you .

  13. 你难道没有看到我的苦痛么?

    Can 't you see that I 'm in pain ?

  14. 在你的毁灭之路上只留下灰烬与苦痛!

    Leave only ashes and misery in your destructive wake !

  15. 独处会因无趣而产生苦痛。

    Being alone comes with a. .. a dull ache .

  16. 没有苦痛难过,不再想到死亡或丧亲之悲;

    No pain distresses , no thought of death or bereavement saddens .

  17. 许多贫穷的小孩遭受食物不足的苦痛。

    Many poor children suffer from a deficiency of food .

  18. 有的通过经历苦痛折磨,就像我。

    Some find it through pain and suffering , as I did .

  19. 一切苦痛发生于这个美好的日落之后。

    All the physical pain occurred after this beautiful sunset .

  20. 是你特有的爱,还是你不知苦痛?

    What love of thine own kind ? what ignorance of pain ?

  21. 这叫我非常的苦痛,我觉得已经不必活下去了。

    It made me so miserable I wanted to die .

  22. 可是她教过我爱,教我忍受苦痛。

    But she that taught me love and suffer pain .

  23. 一部分知识分子陷入了极大的精神苦痛。

    Some intellectuals lapsed into greatly pain in spirit .

  24. 留下的只有苦痛,我却什么也做不了。

    Theres only pain and nothing I can do .

  25. 每一个真正的美国人都能够享受战争的苦痛。

    All real Americans love the sting of battle .

  26. 他对他们的苦痛硬下心肠。

    He steeled his heart himself against their sufferings .

  27. 不论你有多悲伤,时间终能抚慰你的苦痛。

    Time heals all wounds * regardless of how you feel right now .

  28. 你需要决定的只是哪个人值得你经历这些苦痛。

    You just have to decide who is worth going through the pain .

  29. 直面这个世界的苦痛和难题

    and face the pains and problems of this world

  30. 让我能坚持,忍受世间所有的苦痛。

    Let I can insist , endure all suffering .