
  1. 您拿起电话,拨去办公室。

    You grab the phone and dial the number to your office .

  2. 如果你认为一次牙痛就意味着要拨去数颗牙的话,那你把问题看得太严重了。

    You 're making a mountain out of a molehill if you think that one twinge of toothache means that you must have several teeth extracted .

  3. 我们躺在毛巾上谈话时,有时他伸手过来拍去我鼻子上的沙,或拨去我脸上的乱发。

    As we lay out on our towels talking , he would reach over sometimes and brush sand off my nose , or push a mutinying hair out of my face .

  4. 我,再也不能依如以前,可以在小醉后给你拨去心中的电话,说上几句思念你的细细心语。

    I can no longer be in accordance with the past , such as , in a small thing to you to set aside the hearts of the telephone , said a few words on the missing Xinyu your careful .

  5. 在采购礼物及寄送圣诞卡片的一阵忙乱当中,很多美国人仍会拨出时间去帮助别人。

    Along with all the hubbub of shopping for presents and sending Christmas cards , many people in America take time to help others .

  6. 鉴于主控缆难免会被缆系导轨拨到一边去,我想这位无非是要在主控缆和主弦之间折衷一下。

    Being pulled to the side as it is by the cable guard I would think a person would want to split the difference on the cam lean between the control cable and the string .

  7. 力图通过每一次电话外拨为客户带去崭新的体验,延伸建设银行良好的社会形象。

    They try to give Customers a new experience and build a good social image of CCB through every call they made .