
ruǎn jiàn rǒnɡ yú
  • software redundancy
  1. 对硬件冗余技术的研究已经很成熟了,这里主要是针对实时系统的软件冗余技术做出一些初步的探讨。软件冗余策略有两种:N版本软件冗余策略和恢复块策略。

    The study for hardware redundancy technology is already very mature . This paper makes some preliminary discussion mainly directed the software redundancy technology for real-time system . There are two software redundancy strategies : N versions software redundancy strategy and recovery block strategy .

  2. 以Javaswing的形式实现用户界面,采用线程池和多线程技术、JavaSocket技术来处理多个塔机监控终端的连接和通信请求。软件冗余度和稳定性好。

    To use Java Swing to realize user interface , adopting thread pool , multi-threading and Java Socket technology to process a number of network connections and communication requests for the tower crane monitoring terminal which it can get better software redundancy and stability . 5 .

  3. 同时在三取二模块中三个CPU采用三种不同的程序算法,而且可由完全不同的三组人员开发相同功能的程序,这种软件冗余方式可以大大降低由于共模原因发生的安全问题的可能性。

    At the same time in three to Module Three CPU in three different procedures algorithm , but also by different 3 staff development similar functions , the software redundant could be significantly reduced as a model for reasons of security issues .

  4. 通过对HSE协议的分析,针对HSE的冗余机制进行了深入研究,在对HSE设备冗余分析的基础上,从软件冗余、硬件冗余和网格冗余3个方面给出了HSE提高可靠性的主要方法和手段。

    Through analyzing the HSE specification , researched deeply into the HSE redundancy mechanism . So the main ways of increasing reliability of HSE were given from software , hardware and network redundancy via analyzing the equipment redundancy .

  5. 在使用通讯控件的基础上,采用软件冗余中的信息冗余和冗余传输相结合的方法,编写VC++环境下的工控机与PLC通讯软件,达到提高系统串行通讯可靠性的目的。

    On the base of communication controller , we adopt the method , which combine the information redundancy of software redundancy and the redundancy transmission . The communication software is programmed on the platform of VC + + 6.0 . Therefore , we can advance the reliability of serial communication .

  6. 将软件冗余、软件抗干扰、传感器及执行机构的故障诊断与处理等容错技术应用到AMT样车控制系统开发过程中,取得了良好的效果。

    In this paper , the software fault-tolerant techniques , including software redundancy , software anti-disturbance , fault diagnosis and recovery of sensors and actuators , are applied to the development of AMT prototype vehicle control system with good effect achieved .

  7. 企业的冗余资源及其有限理性来源观冗余技术分为硬件冗余和软件冗余。

    Redundancy technique was divided into hardware redundancy and software redundancy .

  8. 软件冗余是在分布式应用系统中,通过这样的机制:划分备份组;

    Software redundancy divides the distributed system into backup groups .

  9. 软件冗余现场总线控制系统的研究

    Introduction of Software Redundancy Field Bus Control System

  10. 采用硬件、软件冗余技术与安全输出通道,可极大地提高计算机系统的安全性能。

    To appropriate hardware and software redundance technology and safety chunnel could improve the security of computer system .

  11. 本文讨论了实现硬件冗余、软件冗余、信息冗余和时间冗余的各种方法。

    Various methods of realizing hardware redundancy , software redundancy , imformation redundancy and time redundancy are discussed .

  12. 采用硬件的冗余配置是提高可靠性的传统方法,虚拟传感器可实现对汽轮发电机组监测诊断系统中参数测点的软件冗余。

    Traditionally , redundant hardware is used to enhance the reliability of steam turbine unit monitoring and diagnosis system .

  13. 从硬件冗余和软件冗余两个方面进行了分析,分别归纳出基于硬件和软件的冗余方法。

    Analyzed reliability from hardware redundancy and software redundancy and induced the redundant way based on hardware and software redundancy .

  14. 本文还研究了通过节点冗余、线路冗余和软件冗余来进一步提高系统可靠性的方案。

    This paper also studied through the node redundancy , the line redundancy and software redundancy to further increase system reliability . 4 .

  15. 容错技术常采用冗余的方式:硬件冗余、软件冗余、时间冗余和信息冗余。

    Generally there are three kinds of resource redundancy in Fault-tolerance that are hardware redundancy , software redundancy , time redundancy and information redundancy .

  16. 现代的控制方案,则主张用冗余技术(包括软件冗余和硬件冗余)来提高控制系统可靠性。

    In modern control scheme , redun - dant technique ( including software and hardware ) is applied to improve the reliability of control system .

  17. 对于控制状态失常问题采用软件冗余、设置当前输出状态寄存单元和设置自检程序等对策。

    Lastly , the methods of software redundancy , setting present output state register unit , and setting self checking program to solve the problem of control state being out of order .

  18. 为了确保系统的稳定可靠运行,系统引进故障诊断和容错技术的思想,运用了故障树的诊断方式,判别故障的来源;在设置上采用硬件冗余和软件冗余的双重手段;

    To insure the system stability , the system introduces into the fault detection and diagnosis ( FDD ) and the fault tolerance technologies , and handle the fault tree to detect the faults .

  19. 嵌入式Linux的开发与普通桌面系统开发不同,它是运行在一个资源受限的环境中,因此要求系统软件没有冗余。

    Differentiating from the desktop system embedded Linux development is in a constrained environment in which computer memory and processing power are limited and require the software be efficient .

  20. 介绍了单片微机系统硬件及软件的冗余技术,并结合实例说明了冗余方式的选择及冗余系统的设计。

    The paper also introduces the redundancy technology of the hardware and the software in the single chip microcomputer and explains how to select a redundancy pattern and how to design a Redundancy system by means of practical examples .

  21. 通过硬件上奇偶校验与软件上循环冗余校验(CRC)的实现,完成了系统的智能纠错功能;

    The realization of intelligent correction is based on odd or even in hardware and CRC in software .

  22. 针对航空发动机工作环境的复杂性与其高可靠性要求,利用软件和硬件冗余的方法,提出了一种由DSP和双口RAM构成的基于CAN总线的双余度智能位置控制器。

    For the complex conditions of the gas-turbine and its high requirements of reliability , a dual-redundancy smart position controller was proposed using hardware and software redundancy .

  23. 对不同谱段的相同子带图像,用上述三维自适应预测器分别压缩。再用JPEG-LS软件去处空间冗余。

    To the same sub-band of different bands , we use our 3-D adaptive predictor and JPEG-LS to compress .

  24. 单片机上软件实现循环冗余校验的方法

    The Realization of Cyclic Redundancy Check By Software in Single Chip Microcomputer

  25. 软件容错通过软件冗余,来屏蔽软件故障,改善软件系统的可靠性。N版本程序设计是一种通用的软件容错方法。

    Software fault tolerance shields software fault and improves software system reliability by software redundancy .

  26. 基于软件的双CPU冗余控制研究

    Research on CPU Redundancy Control Based on Software

  27. 第五章介绍了系统中硬件部分所采取的安全性措施以及软件中的循环冗余校验(CRC)算法。

    The fifth chapter introduces the security measurements taked in hardware and arithmetic of Cyclic Redundancy Check in software .

  28. FT-HIT是自行研制的3模冗余(TMR)航天容错计算机系统,系统通过硬件冗余和主要由软件实现容错的冗余管理模式实现系统的容错性能。

    FT-HIT is an aerospace TMR fault tolerant computer system which uses the technique of hardware redundancy and software implemented fault tolerance .

  29. 上述几种方法中,第1种方法最常用,但基于PC的高级语言所写的应用软件编译后指令冗余较多,工作效率不高;

    In these methods , the efficiency of the first one is too low , because when the software written by advanced language based on PC is translated and edited , the redundant instruction is too much ;

  30. 预先考虑现场干扰,从硬件和软件两方面设计冗余措施,将干扰对系统的影响减到最小。

    Redundant measure is designed by hardware and software and minimizes the system disturbance .