
  1. 权力的游戏第七季首集创下该系列收视新高,有线电视观众达1010万。

    The premiere of Game of Thrones " seventh season set a series record of 10.1 million viewers tuning in to the live broadcast .

  2. 《权力的游戏》第七季已经让观众坐不住了,今年10月,美国有线电视网将播放第八季,好戏即将开始。

    With Game Of Thrones season 7 leaving people on tenterhooks , work will actually begin on the eighth series of the HBO show this October .

  3. 现在已证实《权力的游戏》第七季将于7月16日首播。日前发布的重磅预告片中展示了广袤大地上冰块消融的画面。

    After a dramatic reveal involving a giant melting block of ice , it 's now been confirmed that season seven of Game of Thrones will premiere on 16 July .

  4. 《权力的游戏》第七季只有7集,而不是通常的10集,预计将于明年夏季播出,而第八季则要等到2018年。

    The seventh season - made up of seven episodes instead of the usual 10 - is expected in summer next year , while the final season will be in 2018 .