
  1. 朋友和仰慕者们挤进安葬梦露的洛杉矶小公墓的教堂里。

    Friends and admirers crammed the chapel at the small Los Angeles cemetery where Monroe is buried .

  2. 照片背面只有简单的几个字——“梦露女士”。

    On the back of the photo is written the simple caption , ' Mrs. Monroe ' .

  3. 沙漏身材通常被认为是女性美的象征。拥有著名的沙漏身材的女性包括玛丽莲·梦露、斯嘉丽·约翰逊和丽塔·海华丝。

    This figure is often considered to be an epitome Johansson and Rita Hayworth .

  4. 你知道吗?演员DebbieReynolds拥有巨星玛丽莲梦露在TheSevenYearItch中那条白色裙装。

    Fact : Actress Debbie Reynolds owns the iconic white dress worn by Marilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch .

  5. 背单词—服装英语词汇好莱坞女星玛丽莲•梦露生前在一家医院就诊时所拍的三张胸部和骨盆的X光片近日以4.5万美元的高价拍出,拍价为预期的十倍多。

    Three X-rays of Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe 's chest and pelvis taken during a hospital visit have sold for more than 10 times their pre-sale estimates , earning $ 45000 .

  6. 小常识:一次,玛丽莲梦露被问及用了什么香水,她说:香奈儿No.5。

    Fact : When asked what she wore to bed , Marilyn Monroe replied , " Chanel No. 5 . "

  7. 上个月,由美国全国广播公司NBC打造的梦露主题的百老汇音乐剧《名声大噪》初次亮相。

    Last month , a new NBC series , Smash , about a fictional Monroe-themed Broadway musical , made its debut .

  8. 梦露在Brentwood家中因明显服用过量药物死亡。

    Monroe died from an apparent drug overdose at her Brentwood home .

  9. 据称肯尼迪总统为了避开媒体,经常通过秘密地下通道与包括梦露在内的宾客进入Carlyle宾馆。

    President Kennedy is said to have used a warren of tunnels to enter the hotel with guests , including Monroe , to avoid the media .

  10. SuzieKennedy在电影和戏剧中模仿已故的玛丽莲梦露长达14年之久,以此来表达对这名女演员的赞颂。

    Suzie Kennedy pays tribute to the actress by being a Marilyn Monroe impersonator for 14 years , acting in films and plays personifying the late star .

  11. 钱宁在百老汇舞台上创造了历史,凭借出演《绅士喜爱金发女郎》中的LoreleiLee一角。这个角色后来因为被玛丽莲梦露在同名电影中饰演而不朽。

    Channing made her mark on Broadway in the stage version of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes as Lorelei Lee , who Marilyn Monroe later immortalised in the film of the same name .

  12. 在一个场景里,Serena打扮成玛丽莲梦露,对三名求婚者Nate,Chuck和Dan高唱钻石是女孩最好的朋友,直到另外一个人的出现抢了他们的风头。

    In one scene , Serena wears a Marilyn Monroe get-up and sings Diamonds Are a Girl 's Best Friend to suitors Nate , Chuck and Dan that is , until someone else steals the show .

  13. 虽然在大制作影片《魔境仙踪》和《与梦露的一周》都非常成功,但Michelle还是要回到独立电影产业中去,她正着手重拍2009年的意大利惊悚片片《双重时间》。

    Though she 's had success with major films like Oz and My Week With Marilyn , Michelle will soon be getting back to her independent-movie roots as she begins filming a remake of the 2009 Italian film The Double Hour .

  14. GregSchreiner拥有全世界最多有关梦露的收藏品,她说梦露能惹人爱不仅仅在于她的风格。

    Greg Schreiner , who has one of the largest Monroe collections in the world , said it wasn 't just about her style that made people love her .

  15. 以一系列玛丽莲•梦露(MarilynMonroe)肖像照闻名的她,往往被人们划归为肖像摄影师、而且是名人肖像摄影师。她与梦露的私交足以确立一种密切的摄影关系。

    Known for a series of portraits of Marilyn Monroe , with whom she became friendly enough to establish a close photographic relationship , she tends to be pigeon-holed as a portraitist , and a celebrity portraitist at that .

  16. “里希特的蜡烛好比沃荷的梦露”,FrancisOutred如是说。他是佳士得欧洲拍卖行当代艺术的负责人,曾在10月14日参加过一次拍卖。

    " Richter 's candles are like Warhol 's Marilyns ," says Francis Outred , head of contemporary art for Christie 's Europe , who has one coming up for auction on October14th .

  17. PCMLP主机常用年度活动包括梦露国际媒体大肠杆菌价格法模拟法庭竞赛和安纳博格,牛津大学的暑期学校在全球媒体的政策。

    PCMLP hosts several popular annual events including the Monroe E.Price International Media Law Moot Court Competition and the Annenberg-Oxford summer school on global media policy .

  18. 在西方,ErnoLaszlo很幸运有一个传奇的推崇者阵容,包括好莱坞女神奥黛丽赫本,玛丽莲梦露和格蕾丝凯莉,这在某种程度上使这个品牌很容易畅销。

    In the West , Erno Laszlo is fortunate to have had a legendary line-up of devotees , including Hollywood goddesses Audrey Hepburn , Marilyn Monroe , and Grace Kelly , which , to some extent , makes the brand an easy sell .

  19. 我想要见的一个人就是玛丽莲梦露。

    One person I would like to meet is Marilyn monroe .

  20. 她仿佛是以金发红唇的玛丽莲梦露克隆出来的。

    She 's just another blond-haired , red-lipped Marilyn Monroe clone .

  21. 也许我们应该坐在玛丽莲梦露那块儿。

    Maybe we should 've sat in Marilyn monroe 's section .

  22. 我以为我们一直在聊我的梦女郎玛丽莲•梦露。

    I thought we were talking about my dream woman Marilyn Monroe .

  23. 梦露是一位情感上稍显稚嫩的性感女神。

    Monroe was a sex goddess who was emotionally immature .

  24. 我猜她们这样做是觉得自己很性感,就像玛丽莲-梦露一样。

    Isuppose it makes them feel sexier , a la Marilyn Monroe .

  25. 他拜访玛丽莲。梦露这一死亡的显现;

    He sees Marilyn monroe , epiphany of this death ;

  26. 梦露于1962年8月去世,年仅36岁。

    The actress died in August 1962 at the age of 36 .

  27. 玛丽莲梦露在月球上骑着霸王龙?

    Marilyn Monroe riding a T. Rex on the moon ?

  28. 她把自己的头发按玛丽莲梦露的发式做成金黄卷曲状。

    She has her hair blonde and curly a la Marilyn monroe .

  29. 她常常被人称为玛丽琳梦露第二。

    She is often described as the second Marilyn monroe .

  30. 梦露失败的感情经历使她的情感变得更加脆弱。

    Monroe 's failed relationships with men made worse her emotional vulnerability .