
  • 网络lodge a protest
  1. 第六十四条人民检察院对人民法院已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,发现违反法律、法规规定的,有权按照审判监督程序提出抗诉。

    Article 64 If the people 's procuratorate finds a violation of provisions of the law or regulations in a legally effective judgement or order of a people 's court , it shall have the right to lodge a protest in accordance with procedures of judicial supervision .

  2. 检察院提出抗诉、与诉讼不可避免地与当事人意思自治、等对抗、判独立等原则产生冲突。

    Public prosecutors taking part in civil procedure will conflict with the principle of independence of judge .

  3. 对认为确有错误的刑事判决、裁定,依法提出抗诉2405件。

    Procuratorial bodies also protested 2,405 court decisions and rulings according to law , which they regarded as really wrong .

  4. 第一百八十六条人民检察院提出抗诉的案件,人民法院应当再审。

    Article 186 Cases in which protest was made by the people 's procuratorate shall be retried by the people 's court .

  5. 与前苏联时期相比,检察机关可提出抗诉的案件范围明显受到了限制。

    Compared with the Soviet era , the scope of the case which the procuratorial organs may appeal has obviously been limited .

  6. 应当提请上级人民检察院按照审判监督程序提出抗诉。

    It shall submit the case to a superior people 's procuratorate for lodging a protest in accordance with the procedure of judicial supervision .

  7. 俄罗斯民事检察制度中最为引人注目的变化就是检察机关只能对其参加审理的案件提出抗诉。

    The most striking change in Russian civil procuratorial system is that the procuratorial organs can only appeal cases thus have participated in their hearing .

  8. 人民检察院决定对人民法院的判决、裁定提出抗诉的,应当制作抗诉书。

    Where the people 's procuratorate decides to protest the judgment or ruling rendered by the people 's court , it shall prepare a written protest .

  9. 人民法院生效判决、裁定采信了存在重大瑕疵的证据并作为认定事实的主要证据的,检察机关应当提出抗诉。

    If the main evidence with grave defect was adopted by the People 's Court for fact ascertained , the People 's Procuratorate has the right for a civil protest .

  10. 人民检察院提出抗诉的案件,人民法院再审时,应当通知人民检察院派员出席法庭。

    Where the people 's court conducts a trial de novo of a case protested by the people 's procuratorate , it shall notify the people 's procuratorate to send its personnel to the court session .

  11. 一审宣判后,公诉机关认为对被告人受贿罪无罪部分的判决错误,按第二审程序向上级法院提出抗诉。

    After the first verdict was declared , the prosecution organ thought the part of the judgment which ascertained the accused innocent on the crime of bribery was wrong , they protested to the superior court in the procedure of the second instant .

  12. 在对福建省检察机关近年来开展民事抗诉工作有关资料进行统计、分析的基础上,提出当前民事抗诉制度实施中存在的主要问题;

    The second part introduces the details of protest proceeding , and proposes the legal problems in protest practice by analyzing the statistic data of protest practice in Fujian Province .

  13. 针对此种情况,文章明确提出了审查认定抗诉案件证据的具体内容和方法以及完善抗诉案件证据审查制度的相关措施。

    This article has proposed being examined and asserting content and method which protests the case evidence really , and also proposed the relevant measure in perfecting and protesting the evidence censorship of the case .