
  • 网络Radar detector
  1. 本文以一种典型的再入式多模式雷达探测器对空中编队目标的探测应用为例,对多模式雷达的波形系统设计与实现技术展开研究。

    Under this background , taking the application of re-entry multi-mode radar detector on the air formation target detection for example , the technology on design and implementation of multi-mode radar waveform system are studied in this dissertation .

  2. 美国宇航局表示,这些大型雷达探测器证明,他们可以探测和跟踪到小型的月球轨道探测器。

    NASA said these large radar antennas demonstrated that they can detect and track small spacecraft in lunar orbit .

  3. 他说美国会在欧洲南部和北部布置船基的雷达探测器和拦截导弹。

    He says the United States will deploy radar sensors and interceptors in northern and southern Europe on ships .

  4. 如谷歌自己所解释的那样,谷歌最近出品的无人驾驶汽车使用了摄像机、雷达探测器和激光测距仪来“看”前后左右的交通情况,并通过详细的地图来指引汽车在路上行驶。

    As Google explains it , its automated cars use video cameras , radar sensors and a laser range finder to " see " other traffic and detailed maps to navigate the road ahead .

  5. 排放物必须隐藏起来,机身设计时也必须考虑到不能被雷达和红外探测器发现。

    Emissions must be hidden and the plane 's fuselage sculpted to avoid detection by radar and infrared sensors .

  6. 导航系统由先进的雷达、导航仪、探测器、自动导航器、测程仪以及监视系统组成。

    The navigation system consists of advanced radar , navigator , sounder , autopilot , log and surveillance .

  7. 工程师在汽车的顶部安装了摄影机、雷达传感器和激光探测器,来帮助汽车自行导航行驶。

    According to a BBC report , such cars use video cameras mounted on the roof , radar sensors and a laser range finder to " see " other traffic .

  8. 针对一有三坐标雷达、两坐标雷达和红外探测器三种传感器的分布式多站多目标跟踪系统,提出了一种多制式传感器数据融合算法。

    A data fusion algorithm of multiple typed sensors was put forward for a distributed multi-station multi-target tracking system which had a 3-dimensional radar , 2-dimensional radar and a infrared sensor in this paper .