
  1. 在高速外圆磨削极端工作条件下,传统平面磨削加工成屑机理中的滑擦-耕犁-切削理论已很难适用于高速外圆磨削。

    In the extreme operating conditions of high-speed cylindrical grinding , the sliding-plowing-cutting theory in the traditional surface grinding process has been difficult to apply in high-speed external cylindrical grinding .

  2. 对比铰削、珩磨和磨削加工,电镀珩具磨粒切削工件内孔壁经过了滑擦、耕梨和切屑形成三个阶段。

    Compared with reaming , honing and abrasive machining , the process which the grain of electroplating honing tools machininged inner hole contained slippery wipe , plough and scraps form three stages .

  3. 研究还表明,砂轮磨粒的尺寸以及砂轮粘结剂、磨屑、单晶硅片表面之间的滑擦作用对磨削力也有很大的影响。

    This thesis reaches a conclusion that the sizes of grinding wheel abrasive , grinding wheel binder , wear debris , and the surface effect of monocrystalline silicon has a great influence on the grinding force .

  4. 砂轮磨粒尺寸参数、砂轮粘结剂/磨屑厂工件涂层表面间滑擦作用和热喷涂工艺固有缺陷等因素对陶瓷涂层精密磨削的可磨削性指标有较大影响;

    The abrasive grits of the grinding wheel , the tribological interactions of bond / chip / workpiece surface in the grinding zone , and defects from the spraying process all have an effect on the grindability .

  5. 运用概率统计理论对磨粒的磨削过程进行深入研究,分别得出了切削和滑擦的磨粒数目,建立磨削力的理论计算模型,并计算了磨削力。

    The process of the grinding is analyzed by the statistical probability theory , the numbers of the cutting and sliding grains are obtained , therefore the grinding force model is established . The grinding parameters are analyzed by using of the grinding force model .