
  1. 近代安徽邮政共经历了四个发展时期,即大清邮政、北洋军政府时期邮政、南京国民政府统治时期和战时邮政时期。

    The modern postal experienced a total of four stages in Anhui , namely the Qing Dynasty Post , China Post , Nanjing national government period and the wartime postal period .

  2. 历史街区的有机更新与持续发展&天津市解放北路原法租界大清邮政津局街区概念性设计研究

    Organic Renewal and Sustainable Development of Historic Blocks : Study of the Conceptual Design for the Qing Dynasty Post Office Block at Former French Concession in North Jiefang Road , Tianjin

  3. 第三部分通过论述大清国家邮政同民信局、客邮及驿站三大通信系统的扭曲竞争,以探讨官邮在取得统一过程中存在的一些值得深思的问题。

    Thirdly , it discusses the distorted competition between the National Post System and three large systems of communications such as the Private Post office , the Foreign Postal Offices and the Customs Post .

  4. 在大清国家邮政正式开办以后,赫德并没有因此而激进行事,依然为国家邮政制定了比较保守的发展模式。究其原因,是基于赫德对中国社会以及国内通讯系统现状的深刻观察和认识。

    After operation of national postal service in Qing dynasty , Hart did not radically run things , and formulate comparatively conservative development patterns for nation postal service , because he profoundly observed and acquainted the Chinese Society and current situation of national communication system .

  5. 第一部分介绍大清新式国家邮政制度的建立及其发展。

    Firstly , it introduces the foundation and development of the national postal system of Late Qing .