
  1. 他们要那些我已经许给了他们的东西。

    They asked for things I had already promised to them .

  2. 许给我一个承诺,时间不会将我们抹去,

    Make me a promise that time won 't erase us ,

  3. 并且许给他一个美好的未来。

    And show her all the wonders of the world .

  4. 我许给他一个王后他就要送我一支军队

    I give him a queen and he gives me an army .

  5. 他们说这是上天许给犹太人的。

    They say God promised it to the jews .

  6. 老许给他们看自己的膝盖。

    Old Xu showed them his knees .

  7. 所以她就劝我的父亲把我许给泰坎阿霍什塔为妻。

    And so she persuaded my father to promise me in marriage to Ahoshta Tarkaan .

  8. 这是马德兰先生许给我的。

    M.madeleine has promised it to me .

  9. 现在我们明白了神把这地永远地许给了亚伯拉罕和基督。

    We now understand that God promised the land to Abraham and Christ for ever .

  10. 你许给我一片蓝天。

    You promised me the sky .

  11. 首先,我们有个小花园!这是马德兰先生许给我的。

    We shall have a little garden the very first thing ; M.Madeleine has promised it to me .

  12. 并不能说这块上帝许给的土地曾经完全被希伯来人控制过。

    It cannot be said that the promised land was ever completely in the grasp of the Hebrews .

  13. 大学教育给了他们知识和涵养,也曾许给他们美好的未来。

    University education gave them the knowledge and conservation , also Xu to give them a better future .

  14. 神没有把这一能力,即在自身被分离和切开以后,又重新统一到一起的能力,许给其他动物。

    God has allowed this to no other part , after it has been separated and cut asunder , to come together again .

  15. 他许给你的未来远超我的想象你读书识字将来还可能成为一个骑士

    He gave you a future I could never have imagined . You know how to read . You 'll be a knight someday .

  16. 将我们从那里领出来,领我们进入他誓许给我们的祖先,要赐给我们的土地。

    And he brought us out from thence , that he might bring us in and give us the land , concerning which he swore to our fathers .

  17. 当我告诉他我们对这片地感兴趣的时候,他友善地说:“不卖,我许给一个农民放牧用的。”

    " Not selling ," he said pleasantly , when I told him we were interested in the piece of land . " Promised it to a farmer for grazing . "

  18. 他许给你的未来远超我的想象你读书识字将来还可能成为一个骑士难道这些都是你的火神下的令吗?

    He gave you a future I could never have imagined . You know how to read . You 'll be a knight someday . You think a fire God commanded all that ?

  19. 八戒:嘿嘿,我要跟师父和师兄取经,你们好好照顾小姐啊!可不准许给别人!

    B ajie : Heyhey , brother and I will follow our master to go to the West , please take good care of Miss gao , don 't betroth her to others !

  20. 按着王允和貂蝉商定的“连环计”,王允先把貂蝉收为义女许给吕布为妻。为挑拨董卓与吕布的关系,后来又把貂蝉送给董卓为妾。

    Following the interlocking stratagems they had laid , Wang Yun betrothed his step daughter Diao Chan to L ü Bu , then , to sow discord between the two , presented the girl to Dong Zhou as a concubine .

  21. 因为许给亚巴郎和他的后裔的恩许,使他作世界的承继者,并不是藉著法律,而是藉著因信德而获得的正义。

    If God promised Abraham , or rather his descendant , that the world would belong to him , this was not because of his obeying the Law , but because he was just and a friend of God through faith .

  22. 这次冲突的结果就是无数生灵涂炭,最后被国王梅葛·坦格利安一世残酷无情地镇压(有一次在战斗中,梅葛用重金许给能斩敌首级的士兵),而他因此也获得了一个永久的称号“残酷的梅葛”。

    The resulting conflict left countless dead and was countered by King Maegor I Targaryen with such brutality ( at one point he bestowed cash rewards on anyone who brought the head of an enemy combatant ) that he was forever referred to as Maegor the Cruel .

  23. 因此,上帝的话-将祂自己权威性的救赎应许赐给了人-必须是自证的

    Thus , a word of God , giving his own authoritative promise of redemption , must be self-attesting .

  24. 用户的分许可是给用户个人的和非排他性质的,未经设备公司明示同意,不得转让。

    Customer 's sublicense is personal and nonexclusive and may not be transferred without ___ Corporation 's express consent .

  25. 我会试着讲许多次给你们听,我会试着帮助你们-但是大部分人会这样做。

    I 'll try to tell you many times , I 'll try to help you – but most of you can do it .

  26. 采矿企业设立时的行政特许权给民事优先权让道而出现行政管制的缺位,造成无法补救的后果。

    It lacked of administrative control because that the administrative concession gave way to the civil priority as mining enterprises were founded , resulting in irreparable consequences .

  27. 耶和华曾向他们起誓,必不容他们看见耶和华向他们列祖起誓,应许赐给我们的地,就是流奶与蜜之地。

    For the LORD had sworn to them that they would not see the land that he had solemnly promised their fathers to give us , a land flowing with milk and honey .

  28. 日后,你们到了耶和华按着所应许赐给你们的那地,就要守这礼。

    And it shall come to pass , when ye be come to the land which the LORD will give you , according as he hath promised , that ye shall keep this service .

  29. 他许下要给大报酬的诺言。

    He made promises of a large reward .