
  1. 青铜乐器自名研究

    A Study of the Names Inscribed on Bronze Musical Instruments

  2. 洛阳出土的先秦青铜乐器述略

    A Synoptic Sketch of Bronze Musical Instruments Unearthed in Luoyang

  3. 青铜乐器:青铜鼓、青铜编钟、铃等等。

    Music instruments : bronze drum , bronze bells , and small bells etc.

  4. 论江西新干大洋洲出土的青铜乐器

    Commenting on Bronze Musical Instrument Digging from Xin Gan Da Yang Zhou of Jiangxi

  5. 铃是青铜乐器的原始形态,是中国最早出现的青铜乐器。

    The bell is the original form of bronze instrument , is China 's first music instruments .

  6. 作为商周时期重要的青铜乐器,铜铙一直是考古学界比较关注的研究课题。

    As an important bronze instrument in the period , Nao is taken as an Important archaeology topic .

  7. 当时金石学兴起,各界学者对青铜乐器的研究也逐渐开展起来。

    At that time , with the rise of epigraphy , the researches on the bronze instruments were also gradually carried out .

  8. 作为固定音高的青铜乐器,编钟的铸制与音律设计、音高调试,成为宋代新乐议制和推行的重要物质基础。

    The bronze musical instruments , as the one with fixed pitch , along with its musical temperament design , pitch tuning , it became an important material base to pursue Song new music system .

  9. 錞于是我国古代流行于春秋至汉的一种青铜打击乐器。

    The Chinese percussion instruments are various kinds and they used in wide ranging .