
qīnɡ pínɡ ɡuǒ
  • green apple
  1. 萦绕着青苹果,柠檬和矿物质的芳香

    Tinges of green apple , citric fruits and a slight mineral touch .

  2. 我非常喜欢苹果,最喜欢的是青苹果。

    I really like apples , my favorite is the green apple .

  3. 他在回家的路上买了几个硬的青苹果。

    He bought several firm green apples on his way home .

  4. 她喜欢吃青苹果。

    She likes to eat green apples .

  5. 一位澳大利亚女子花了800英镑买了两部新的苹果iPhone手机,在收到盒子的时候却发现里面只有两颗真正的青苹果,这名女子的钱就这么打水漂了。

    An Australian woman who paid £ 800 for two new Apple iPhones lost her money when she opened the boxes - and found two real green apples inside .

  6. 我喜欢新西兰白苏维浓(SauvignonBlanc)的清新。它的新鲜水果香气令人想起了猕猴桃、酸橙和青苹果,但它那带有薄荷味的异国情调又让我联想到鸡蛋果。

    I like New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc for its freshness , its green fruits aroma reminiscent of kiwi , lime and green apple but with its minty , exotic notes that also remind me of passion fruit .

  7. 当他和ABCNews的记者在手机上说话时,他说自己正在一家蔬果店考虑到底是要买小富士苹果还是美国青苹果,这就日常生活中认知活动最典型的例子。

    As he spoke to ABCNews.com from his cell phone , he said he was also in a grocery store choosing between gala and granny smith apples - a perfect example of switching between cognitive tasks in everyday life .

  8. “你有没有吃青苹果啊?”医生问。

    " Have you eaten any green apples ?" asked the doctor .

  9. 比起青苹果,我更喜欢红苹果。

    I like red apples more than green ones .

  10. 青苹果往往比红苹果好吃。

    Green apples often taste better than red ones .

  11. 就像青苹果泡泡糖

    Tastes like green-apple bubble gum .

  12. 丰富的口迎接了与青苹果梨和新鲜水果的风味。

    The rich mouth greets the palate with fresh fruit flavors of pear and green apple .

  13. 防风霞多丽是一个甜美,具有成熟的青苹果梨和激烈的葡萄酒口味的结构。

    Windbreak Chardonnay is a luscious , structured wine with intense flavors of ripe pear and green apple .

  14. 那孩子吃了几个青苹果,不久以后胃里不舒服,接着就呕吐了。

    The boy ate some green apples , and not long after , he was sick and heaved up .

  15. 那让我想起过去那段只吃青苹果减肥的日子。

    EX : That reminded me of the time when I had to lose weight by just eating instanceles .

  16. 我喜欢使用苹果味司木露作为基酒,它会给鸡尾酒带来很好的青苹果香气。

    I like using Smirnoff apple twist as my alcoholic base , it gives a great aroma of green apples .

  17. 口味特征:清脆的青苹果,麻辣的烤苹果味,橘子味,石灰,热带水果,蜂蜜和吐丝。

    Flavor characteristics : Crisp green apples , spiced baked apples , orange , lime , passion fruit , honey and toast .

  18. 中等酒体,上颚感受青苹果的果香与自然凉爽的酸甜滋味的美妙平衡。

    Medium bodied , fruit driven palate showing excellent balance of fresh green apple flavour , natural cool climate acidity and toasty vanilla oak .

  19. 以实泰物流、全州物流、一力物流为核心的物流外包。其中青苹果数据、创智软件、山猫卡通、一力物流等跻身中国服务外包百强企业。

    In these companies , Green Apple Data , Powerise Software , Shanmao Cartoon , Apower Logistics and so on have been listed as the top100 service outsourcing enterprises of China .

  20. 而当新郎和伴郎团前往新娘的住处接新娘前往婚礼现场时,昔日的小虎队三名成员也一起演唱了他们的主打曲目《青苹果乐园》、《爱》。

    The band also performed their hit songs , including ' Green Apple Paradise ' and ' Love , ' while visiting the bride 's place to escort her back to the wedding .

  21. 介绍了青苹果蔓绿绒外植体的采集、消毒、生根培养基、最佳分化增殖培养基,及组培苗的移栽、上盆等一系列快速繁殖配套技术。

    The paper introduces a series of techniques for rapid micro-propagation in vitro culture of Philodendron scandens , and the techniques involve collection and sterilization of explants , differentiation and root mediums , transplanting and potting of culture-seedlings .

  22. 研究表明,薰衣草、香草和青苹果的气味有助于缓解焦虑并能激发你的睡意,所以使用此类的香氛蜡烛和精油是个不错的选择。

    Research has found that lavender , vanilla , and green apple are among the best scents to help lower anxiety and induce sleep , making these smells a good choice for a scented candle or heated essential oil .

  23. 因为玛琳的裙子更短,因为她的眼睛很漂亮,因为她在很多方面已经比我们成熟,男孩子跑过来说一些蠢话,比如我爱上你说是眼睛的那两个青苹果,把它们给我吧为什么不?

    And since Marin 's skirts are shorter and since her eyes are pretty , and since Marin is already older than us in many ways , the boys who do pass by say stupid things like I am in love with those two green apples you call eyes , give them to me why don 't you .

  24. 高CO2和低O2对青香蕉苹果乙烯生成和果实品质的影响

    The effects of high c0_2 and low 0_2 on ethylene production and quality of apple , cv . white winter Pearmain

  25. 抗生素对青香蕉苹果叶片再生的影响

    Effects of Antibiotics on Leaf Regeneration of Apple Cultivar White Winter Pearmain

  26. 本文系统地报道了氯化胺、过磷酸钙、苹果枝木灰和饼肥四种肥料对国光和青香蕉苹果树的根际营养效果。

    This paper systematically reports the effect of root nutrition in apple trees .

  27. 一个经历了各县随系统袋,含有去皮澳洲青苹苹果已经在准备水和抗坏血酸薄片。

    A bag that has gone through the sous vide system , containing thin slices of peeled Granny Smith apple that have been prepared in water and ascorbic acid .

  28. 非洲南部的一种具有鳞茎的植物,花呈白色或粉红色,具芳香味。商品描述:色泽淡黄泛青,口感呈苹果和柠檬香,回味浓烈。

    Amaryllis of South Africa often cultivated for its fragrant white or rose flowers . Pale yellow with green lights , firm with green apple and lime flavors , spicy notes on the finish .