
  1. 云台山,青天河风景区坐落在河南省,在那里可以观山,看水,欣赏河的两岸风景,是一个新兴的,热门的的旅游景点。

    Yuntai Mountain and Qingtian River Scenic Spot is located in Henan Province , it is a new popular scenic spot in China .

  2. 影像的复魅:纪录片《德拉姆》中的生态美学观河南博爱县青天河峡谷新发现北魏摩崖观世音像

    Cliffside Image of Avalokitesvara of the Northern Wei Period Recently Discovered in the Qingtian River Gorge in Bo ' ai County , Henan

  3. 青天河园区最著名的大泉湖发源于号称“华夏第一泉”的三姑泉,该泉流量高达每秒7.3立方米,水质清冽,甘甜爽口。

    The most famous Daquan Lake has its source in Sangu spring & the first spring of Cathay , its flow amounts to7.3 cubic meters per second , water being clean and refreshing sweet .