
  • 网络Humphrey;Humphreys;Humphry;Humfrey;Watts Humphrey
  1. 教我们经济学的是汉弗莱小姐。

    The teacher who took us for economics was Miss Humphrey .

  2. 所以,她决定拿起麦克风,为汉弗莱演唱《小美人鱼》(TheLittleMermaid)的主题曲《吻她》(KisstheGirl)。在引吭高歌之际,她突然双膝跪地,请汉弗莱嫁给她。

    So she decided to grab a microphone and serenade Ms. Humphrey with a karaoke rendition of " Kiss the Girl , " from " The Little Mermaid . " After belting out the tune , she dropped to both knees and asked Ms. Humphrey to marry her .

  3. 上世纪70年代的大通胀过后,美国于1978年颁布了所谓的《汉弗莱•霍金斯法案》(HumphreyHawkinsAct),要求美联储在二战后制订的全面就业的原始政策目标之上,再加入价格稳定。

    After the great inflation of the 1970s , the so-called Humphrey-Hawkins Act of 1978 was enacted . That required the Fed to add price stability to its original post-second world war policy target of full employment .

  4. 矿业分析师菲奥娜•佩罗特-汉弗莱(FionaPerrott-Humphrey)表示,西方大型矿业企业正意识到所在行业的新格局,不像以往那么自满了。

    Mining analyst Fiona Perrott-Humphrey says that the big western mining companies are waking up to the new dynamics of their industry and being less complacent .

  5. 最伟大的讽刺漫画家詹姆斯•吉尔雷(JamesGillray)当年是如此受欢迎,以至于他的出版人汉娜•汉弗莱(HannahHumphrey)会把他的全套精选作品集出租一个晚上或一个周末,供人们娱乐。

    James Gillray , the greatest of all the caricaturists , was in such demand that Hannah Humphrey , his publisher , would rent out entire albums of his choicest items for a night 's or a weekend 's entertainment .

  6. 看看你自己能否变成汉弗莱(Humphrey)爵士那样的人?能够利用花言巧语进入最高层,同时驾驭一个不断变化的同盟网络,以确保自己永远不可能成为被指责的对象,却总是让你的上司以为你在推进他们的议程。

    Can you see yourself morphing into Sir Humphrey , double-talking your way to the top , while navigating a web of shifting alliances to ensure you can never be subject to blame , yet always appear to your superiors as advancing their agenda ?

  7. 在《绯闻女孩》中,贝格利饰演丹-汉弗莱。

    On " Gossip Girl ," Mr. Badgley plays Dan Humphrey .

  8. 他们是前副总统休伯特?汉弗莱和参议员爱德华?肯尼迪。

    They were former Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Senator Edward Kennedy .

  9. 绯闻女孩正是孤独男孩丹•汉弗莱。

    Gossip Girl is none other than Lonely Boy , Dan Humphrey .

  10. 凯特和汉弗莱世界探险家你觉得怎样

    Kate and Humphrey , world adventurers ! What do you think ?

  11. 汉弗莱我知道你是凯特的朋友

    I know you 're Kate 's friend , Humphrey .

  12. 汉弗莱你真是个天才

    Humphrey , you are totally genius . Come on .

  13. 汉弗莱同往常一样衣着整齐,镇定自若。

    Humphrey was outwardly dapper and composed as usual .

  14. 每个人都知道汉弗莱没有真正获得提名的机会。

    Everyone knew that Humphrey had no real chance of winning the nomination .

  15. 实际上汉弗莱你会很惊奇地

    In fact , Humphrey , you 'd be surprised

  16. 汉弗莱我想告诉�

    Humphrey , I just wanted to tell you ,

  17. 汉弗莱求雨舞是求下雨的

    Humphrey , rain dances make it rain .

  18. 我了解的汉弗莱是个风趣的欧米�

    I know Humphrey , the fun-loving Omega ,

  19. 几分钟后,汉弗莱大步走过尼姆的办公室,把报纸往地上一摔。

    Minutes later Humphrey strode into nim 's office and tossed the paper down .

  20. 经济社会最大的价值在未来(汉弗莱)。

    The largest value of the economy society is in the future ( Humphrey ) .

  21. 汉弗莱你知道规矩的

    Humphrey , you know the rules .

  22. 认输吧汉弗莱你永远也追不上我的

    You 're on . Give it up , Humphrey ! You 'll never beat me .

  23. 像戴明和朱兰,汉弗莱似乎赢得更多的赞誉海外比在家里。

    Like Deming and Juran , Humphrey seems to be winning more praises overseas than at home .

  24. 英格丽。褒曼的丈夫被杀死了,汉弗莱。

    Ingrid Bergman 's husband was killed , and Humphrey Bogart was put on trial for it .

  25. 宾克有一张地图,他知道走哪条路能够到达大魔法师汉弗莱的城堡。

    Bink had a map , and knew which path led to the castle of the Good Magician Humfrey .

  26. 汤姆.汉克斯模仿少年阿甘的扮演者迈克.康纳.汉弗莱的南方口音,而小迈克确实就是那样说话的。

    Tom Hanks patterned his accent after Michael Conner Humphreys who played young Forrest , who actually talked that way .

  27. 如今的白厅仍然具有汉弗莱爵士所展示的那种影响力、道德观和文化吗?

    Does Whitehall today still have something of the influence , the ethics and the culture that Sir Humphrey exemplified ?

  28. 佩罗特-汉弗莱表示,因此,力拓等企业准备在交易实施方面更为大胆。

    Companies such as Rio Tinto are therefore prepared to be more aggressive in doing deals , MS perrott-humphrey says .

  29. 1994年时,还有报道指责汉弗莱咬死了一窝刚出生的知更鸟,当时英国政府立即做出了澄清,称这是子虚乌有的事情。

    In1994 the government had to issue an official denial after the cat was accused of killing a family of robins .

  30. 2014年4月,埃兹女士在布鲁克林家中为汉弗莱女士举办迪士尼主题派对,庆祝她29岁生日,并向她求婚。

    Ms. Ezie proposed at her Brooklyn home in April 2014 , during a Disney-themed party celebrating Ms. Humphrey 's 29th birthday .