
  1. 住在鹰石他妈妈那里。

    Lived at his mother 's place at Eagle rock .

  2. 其中三水铝石为他形粒状结构、块状构造。

    But the bayerite has xenomorphic grain structure and nubby construction .

  3. 他会认为自己不需要隐形衣,至于复活石,他想唤回哪位死者呢?

    He would not think that he needed the Cloak , and as for the stone , whom would he want to bring back from the dead ?

  4. 在以剑身击石之后,他宣布自己为“城之主宰”。

    On striking his sword on the stone , he declared himself Lord of the City

  5. 现在,石厚来向他求助。

    Now , Shi Hou came and asked him for help .

  6. 道石!为什么他那么信任你?

    Dol-suk ! Now , why 'd he trust you out of all of us ?

  7. 石厚把他父亲的主意告诉了州吁,然后他们来到了陈国。

    Shi Hou passed his father 's word to Zhou Xu and they went to the Dukedom of Chen .

  8. 复活石&对他来说意味着阴尸的大军,但我假装并不知道!

    The Resurrection Stone & to him , though I pretended not to know it , it meant an army of Inferi !

  9. 在此之后石礁师父他自己,或儿子、孙子等,将可得到一个兼具诗情画意的花园。

    The farmer himself , or his son or grandson , would later harvest the rock , and incorporate it into the composition of a garden .

  10. 他淡化了与中国之间的铁矿石纠纷。他表示,在年度合同价格谈判期间,人们常常会说些重话。

    He played down the dispute with the Chinese over iron ore , saying strong words were often used during the annual contract negotiations over price .

  11. 他形容国际化是认识不同文化的踏脚石,但他补充说:国际化不只等于了解别人,而是接受别人。

    He described internationalization as the stepping stone to the understanding of cultures , but added , internationalization means not just understanding others but also accepting others .

  12. 除了两部代表作,《白中女人》和《月亮石》,他还写了《法律和女士》《死亡秘密》和《落叶》。

    Besides the two masterpieces , The Woman in White and The Moonstone , he also wrote The Law and the Lady , The Dead Secret and The Fallen Leaves .

  13. 危机期间关闭的炼钢高炉有超过半数已经重新开工,因此需要更多铁矿石供应,他表示。

    More than half of blast furnaces that were shut down during the crisis outside of China have already been reheated and are therefore demanding more iron ore , he said .

  14. “斯内普?”“是啊——难道你们还在怀疑他,嗯?瞧,斯内普也帮着一块儿保护魔法石了,他不会去偷它的。”

    Snape ? Yeah - yer not still on abou ' that , are yeh ? Look , Snape helped protect the Stone , he 's not about ter steal it .

  15. R·C·克里斯蒂安声称,在委托修建引导石的时候,他代表一个独立的组织。但是,引导石建好后,R·C·克里斯蒂安和他的组织并没有说明修建的目的。

    R.C. Christian claimed he represented an independent organization when he commissioned the landmark , but neither he nor his group has spoken up since its construction .

  16. 同时,他也恨自己的儿子石厚,因为他参与了这场谋杀。

    He also hated his own son , Shi Hou , for his part in the murder .

  17. 用好的装备。帮你自己一个忙,买大一点的抱石垫,如果他已经老化了,记得要立刻更换。

    EQUIP YOURSELF : Get a big , cush pad , and replace it when it packs out .

  18. 既然斯内普也参加了保护魔法石的工作,他一定很容易弄清楚其他老师设下了什么机关。

    If Snape had been in on protecting the Stone , it must have been easy to find out how the other teachers had guarded it .

  19. 那片区域的铺路石.甚至是他落地的那几块

    Well , you know the paving slabs in that whole area , even the exact ones that he landed on , you know they were all ... -

  20. 托斯卡纳“亚瑟王神剑”就是著名的“石中之剑”,传说它是被中世纪的骑士加尔加诺·吉多蒂在1180年插入石中的,他从此便抛弃战争和世俗欲望,成为隐士。

    Known as the " sword in the stone " the Tuscan " Excalibur " is said to have been plunged into a rock in1180 by Galgano Guidotti a medieval knight who renounced war and worldly goods to become a hermit .