
  • 网络affinity card
  1. 随着智能卡的优点越来越被人们所认同,智能卡的应用涉及到了各个领域,市场的需求量急剧上升。

    With the advantages of smart cards has been growing recognition , it can be said that the applications of smart card has come to various areas , Sharp increase in market demand .

  2. 随着国内信用体系的日趋完善以及消费者对待持卡消费的逐步认同,信用卡市场已成为各家商业银行发力争夺的白热化领域,银行在信用卡市场投入的人力和物力不断加大。

    With the gradual improvement of the domestic credit system and the increasingly identification of paying by card , the credit card market has become the white-hot field for commercial banks . Thus , the banks invest more and more both human resources and capitals in the credit card market .