
  1. 在成长型思维模式课程中,学生阅读并讨论了一篇题为《你可以使你的大脑成长》的文章。

    In the growth mind-set classes , students read and discussed an article entitled " You Can Grow Your Brain . "

  2. 他们有我所说的成长型思维模式。

    They had what I call a growth mindset .

  3. 但是当教育家们将孩子的思维转变为成长型思维模式时,教育平等实现了。

    But when educators create growth mindset classrooms steeped in yet , equality happens .

  4. 到目前为止,我所听说过的在孩子身上培养坚韧品质最有效的方法叫“成长型思维模式。”

    So far , the best idea I 've heard about building grit in kids is something called " growth mindset . "

  5. 但请看右侧,这是成长型思维模式的学生,这些学生相信能力会通过锻炼得以提升。

    But on the right , you have the students with the growth mindset , the idea that abilities can be developed .

  6. 看看后面发生了什么吧:在这项研究中,没有接受成长型思维模式训练的学生,在这一困难的过渡阶段,成绩持续下滑,但那些受过该训练的学生,成绩强势反弹,卓有起色。

    Look what happened : in this study , students who were not taught this growth mindset continued to show declining grades over this difficult school transition , but those who were taught this lesson showed a sharp rebound in their grades .

  7. 具有”成长型“思维方式的人们往往会表现出使得生活挫折变为未来成功中所需的不屈不挠、坚韧精神。

    People with a growth mind-set tend to demonstrate the kind of perseverance and resilience required to convert life 's setbacks into future successes .

  8. 例如,谈论数学天才或多或少生来就这样,这种方法会使学生形成固定思维,但描述一位爱上数学并成长为具有惊人技能的伟大数学家,则会形成成长型思维模式。

    For instance , talking about mathematical geniuses who were more or less born that way puts students in a fixed mind-set , but descriptions of great mathematicians who fell in love with math and developed amazing skills produce a growth mind-set .