
  • 网络achievement motivation
  1. 在非货币激励中,按照本文的全面薪酬模型进行工作设计、个人成长与发展设计、成就激励设计,这些非货币激励措施在高新技术企业中应该重点注意与加强。

    In the non-monetary reward motivation , according to this model , the job design , job personal growth and development , the achievement motivation design non-monetary reward motivation in the high-tech enterprises should focus attention and strengthening of motivation , might play a bigger role .

  2. 内在薪酬体系包括教师的工作激励、教师的成就激励和优秀教师的价值激励。

    The inner salary system is made up of teachers ' work incentive , teachers ' achievement incentive and excellent teachers ' value incentive .

  3. 在激励因素方面,结合有关委托&代理理论,应当建立以薪酬激励与成就激励相结合的激励机制。

    About the factor of motivation , in terms of the principle-agent theory organization should the motivation mechanism that is on the basis of compensation and achievement .

  4. 从管理学的激励理论出发,分析了体操教学中情感激励模式、目标激励模式、成就激励模式三种体操教学模式的含意及运用方法。

    This article analyses meaning and its application of sensibility incentive mode , aim incentive mode and achievement incentive mode in gymnastics teaching according to incentive theory of management .

  5. 在最佳创造期,激励的重点应放在是成就激励,荣誉激励和参与管理激励上。

    When it comes to the last part-Optimum Creation , the emphasis of driving should be focused on the encouragement of achievement , honor , together with the participation of management .

  6. 今天我们就为大家介绍五位当代著名的杰出女性。她们的成就也激励着更多年轻女性去追逐自己的梦想。

    We chose five prominent women in recent years whose achievements encourage more young women to pursue their dreams .

  7. 菲尔普斯历史性的成就也激励着自己,因为迄今为止,在伦敦奥运会上,他未能达到预期高度&奥运会首日400米混合泳中排名第四。

    Phelps 's historic achievement is a welcome boost for the swimmer , who has so far fallen short of expectations at the London Games - finishing fourth in the 400m medley on the opening day of the Games .

  8. 鼓励孩子为自己的成功欢呼雀跃&告诉他们庆贺自己的成就能够激励他人,做法可以既不夸耀自己也不贬低他人。

    Encourage them to revel in their successes & teach them that celebrating achievements can inspire others and that it can be done in a way that doesn 't sound like bragging and doesn 't make other people feel small .

  9. 试论自我意识与成就动机的激励

    Self-consciousness and the Encouragement of Achievement Motive

  10. 你获得的成就感会激励并鼓舞你。

    The feeling of accomplishment that you receive will rejuvenate , motivate , and inspire .

  11. 同等重要的是,高教授的成就和奉献激励着年轻科学家奉献自己去拓宽科学研究的范围。

    Equally important , Professor Kao 's achievements and commitment have inspired young scientists to dedicate themselves to pushing the boundaries of scientific research .

  12. 由于内在动机可分为知识型,成就型和激励型,进一步分析发现知识型内在动机在影响二语学习成果方面发挥作用最大。

    Intrinsic motivation can be categorized into three types & knowledge , accomplishment and stimulation , a further analysis is made and the findings indicate that knowledge has the greatest impact on L2 learning achievement .