
  1. 第一节主要分析了该地区的产业结构现状、产业转移现状,第二节对城乡产业转移对城乡一体化的促进作用进行了分析,第三节则对其消极作用做了分析。

    The first section makes an analysis of the status quo of the local industrial structure and of industrial transfer ; the second section analyses the positive role of urban-rural industrial transfer in promoting urban and rural integration ; the third section discussed the negative role .

  2. 城乡产业间的转移与承接、培育城乡关联产业、发挥城乡特色产业优势,实现城乡产业错位而又互补式发展、坚持走特色产业集群化发展道路等是城乡产业发展的路径。

    Inter-industry transfer of urban and rural areas and undertake to foster urban and rural related industries , and to play the urban and rural characteristics of industrial advantages , adhere to the path of development characteristics of industrial clusters such as urban and rural industrial development path .