
  • 网络industry boundary
  1. 信息化条件下邮政资源与邮政产业边界研究

    Study on the Resources and Industry Boundary of Posts in the Informatization Environment

  2. 第二,本文建立基于产业边界视角的服务业国际竞争力评价体系,并采用层次分析法,分析了各项相关指标进对服务业国际竞争力的影响。

    Second , based on the establishment of the evaluative system from the perspective of industry boundary , the analytic hierarchy process is used to quantify the influence of relative indexes to the competitiveness of service industry .

  3. 产业边界漂移是产业融合的重要标志。

    The drift of industrial boundary is the important mark of industrial convergence .

  4. 第二章详细介绍了产业边界和服务业国际竞争力等相关理论。

    Chapter two introduces detailed related theories of boundary and international competitiveness of service industry .

  5. 本文通过文献研究,发现融合业务的兴起即模糊或打破产业边界的过程,最终形成新的商业生态系统。

    Through literature review , this paper found that integrated services will blur or break industry boundaries and ultimately format the new business ecosystem .

  6. 随着现代科技进步的日新月异,技术的复杂程度逐渐提高,产业边界日益模糊。

    With the rapid progress of modern science and technology , technology is increasingly aware of the complexity , and industry boundaries become increasingly blurred .

  7. 融合带来种种新经济模式,互联网反哺传统行业,跨界合作打破了产业边界。

    This integration brings about a great deal of new economic models , internet regurgitation-feeding traditional industries and crossover collaboration breaks the boundary of different industries .

  8. 三网融合模糊了传统的产业边界,原分属于不同产业的行动主体以自身的优势资源进入融合业务领域。

    Three network convergence blurs boundaries of the traditional industry , the original action subject belonging to different industrial own advantage resources into the integration business .

  9. 本文在以下两个方面进行了创新性的探索:第一,本文从动态的角度对产业边界和服务业边界进行了概念界定。

    The innovations of this research appeal in two main aspects . First , it gives a new definition of industrial boundary from the consideration of dynamic changes .

  10. 由于旅游业的高度综合性导致了旅游产业边界的模糊性,因此必须从需求的角度而不能从供给的角度来度量旅游经济对国民经济的影响和促进作用。

    On account of syntheses blurred the tourism boundary , we should measure the influence and promotion of tourism economic on national economic from the point of view of demand but not the supply .

  11. 根据前面章节的分析,本文构建了产业边界视角下的服务业国际竞争力评价指标体系,并采用层次分析法对该评价指标体系进行量化和检验。

    According to the analysis of the preceding sections , this part constructs the international competitiveness evaluation index system from the perspective of the service industrial boundary , and using analytic hierarchy process to quantify the indexes and inspect it .

  12. 本文运用产业边界的理论分析框架,通过对电信、广播电视和出版三大产业融合演变过程的剖析,揭示产业融合是新产业革命的历史性标志。

    This paper utilizes the theoretical analysis frame of industrial boundary , develops the anatomy in course through convergence for telecommunications , broadcasting television and publication , it is the historic sign of new industrial revolution to reveal industrial convergence .

  13. 电信网、广播电视网、互联网相互融合使得原有影视传播产业边界消融,改变了影视作品的传播权内容,扩大了获取作品的自由。

    The mutual merge of telecommunications network , radio and television networks , and Internet ablates the original boundary of film and television communication industries , changes the right of communication of audiovisual works , and expands the freedom of acquisition to works .

  14. 产业集群边界的多视角分析

    The Multi - Perspective Analysis on Boundary of Industrial Clusters

  15. 网络产业效率边界与中国铁路路局网效率边界的实证研究

    Study of Industrial Networks Efficiency Boundaries : An Empirical Analysis for Chinese Railway Networks

  16. 但是,所有这些古老的森林,虽然从山坡上可以看见,但是却已经超越这片产业的边界了。

    All this sylvan antiquity , however , though visible from the Slopes , was outside the immediate boundaries of the estate .

  17. 技术进步、需求扩张和需求结构的变化导致铁路产业垄断边界发生了变化,潜在竞争环节增加。

    In railway industry , the technical progress , demand expansion and demand structure changing has changed its monopoly boundary , and increased its potential competition link .

  18. 解释和描述了网络型效应调整过程中存在的离散性、网络型效应增长的内部协同和溢出贡献问题,并尝试定性地给出网络型产业的边界。

    Not only it gives contrastive analysis between network effect and common scale effect , but also it attempts to give out the qualitative boundary of network industrial .

  19. 在传播技术革命的推动下,广播电视、出版和电信等产业的边界不断消解,在内容、传输、终端等环节日益走向融合,形成引人注目的媒介融合现象。

    Driven by the communication technological revolution , the boundaries of broadcasting and television , publishing and telecom are disappearing , and content , transmission and terminal are gradually being converged , which leads to media convergence .

  20. 网络型产业自然垄断边界的判定

    A judgement on natural monopoly boundary of network industry

  21. 非洲商品多样化基金中间产品多样性、地区的专业化与产业集聚的边界

    Diversification Fund for Africa Diversity of intermediate goods , specialization and the boundary of industrial agglomeration

  22. 这种变化将对产业群集的边界及其地理集中性产生重大影响。

    This kind of change will produce significant influence as industrial crowd its geography concentration and the boundary of crowd .

  23. 产业集群的边界问题是产业理论必须作出回答的最基本的问题,有重要的理论价格与现实意义。

    It is vital both in theory and in practice for cluster theories to answer the basis question of the boundary of industrial cluster .

  24. 文章运用一个多阶段生产模型分析了全球性产业中企业边界和生产区位的内生决定问题。

    Employing a model with multi-stage production , the paper analyses the endogenous decision of firm boundaries as well as production location within a global industry .

  25. 产业区的边界取决于企业经济活动与本地资源供给之间的相互匹配。

    The boundary of the industrial district is dependent on the match between the demand of firms ' economic activities and the supply of local resource endowment .

  26. 中间产品多样性、地区的专业化与产业集聚的边界农业区域化合理布局、专业化分工的趋势逐步显现,主要农产品生产向优势产区集中。

    This has resulted in the rational distribution of agricultural regions , the growing tendency of specialized distribution of work and the concentration of major farm produce in advantageous production areas .

  27. 两个或几个产业之间出现边界模糊,或者是交叉产生一些新兴产品或产业的现象逐渐增多,此现象引起学界的关注,并以产业融合描述这种产业间关系的变化。

    The boundary between two or more industries become blurred , cross-generated new products or industry gradually increase , this phenomenon has aroused the concern of scholars , they use " Industrial convergence " to describe the changes of relationships between these industries .

  28. 在动态复杂环境下,旅游业战略管理与SWOT分析也在随着经济全球化、技术的交叉渗透、知识要素地位的上升、产业界限与企业边界的模糊性等因素而不断的进化演变。

    Under the dynamic state and complicated environment , the tourism strategy management and SWOT analysis are also keep evolution with the globalization of economy , crossing to permeate along the technology , ascending of knowledge essential position and illegibility of the bourn of industry and boundary of corporation .

  29. 开放的产业链导致产业边界模糊化,基于平台模式的终端+应用将打穿、覆盖、颠覆很多传统行业。

    Openness of industry chain leads to blur of industry boundaries , and platform-based model of " terminal + application " will disrupt , cover and subvert many traditional industries .

  30. 但随着我国经济社会的快速发展,文化、旅游、金融、农业、制造业等越来越多的产业开始打破产业边界,实现融合发展。

    However , with the rapid development of Chinese economy and society , the industry limit is pierced in the more field of culture , travel , finance , agriculture , making industry .