
  1. 电子信息产业创新体系研究&基于产业创新视角的分析

    Study of Innovation System for Information Industries : From Industrial Innovation

  2. 区域产业创新体系构建研究

    A Study on Constructing the Regional Industry Innovation System

  3. 本文通过分析电子信息产业创新体系的构成,建立起相应的能力测度指标体系。

    This paper aims at establishing a capability measurement index system through an analysis of the Chinese IT industry innovation mechanism .

  4. 电子信息产业创新体系,包括技术创新、产业链创新、集聚创新、应用创新和政策创新五大构件,具有多重、特别的价值。

    Information industrial innovation that consists of technologic innovation , industrial chain innovation , industrial cluster innovation , application innovation and policy innovation has much particular value .

  5. 我国必须尽早建立起中药产业创新体系,在创新主体、创新平台、创新人才和创新机构等方面继续努力。

    These problems should be solved by taking measures so as to establish the innovation system of Chinese materia medica industry as soon as possible and make great efforts on the subject , the platform , the qualified personnel resource , and the institution of the innovation system .

  6. 信息产业科技创新体系FCM模型动态分析

    The application of FCM in the dynamic analysis of technical innovation system of China information industry

  7. 数控机床产业自主创新体系的构建

    Building An Independent Innovation System for the CNC Machine Tool Industry

  8. 国外典型地区信息产业技术创新体系的特点及启示

    The character and enlightenment of technology innovation system of international information industry

  9. 旅游产业集群创新体系及创新影响因素分析

    Research on Innovation System and Factors Influencing Tourism Cluster Innovation

  10. 安徽软件产业技术创新体系构建探究

    The Constructional Study of Anhui Software Technological Innovation System

  11. 吉林省汽车配套产业技术创新体系构建研究

    Research on the Construction of Automobile Accessory Industry Technology Innovation System in Jilin Province

  12. 基于全球价值链的宁波模具产业集群创新体系研究

    Innovation System of Mould Industrial Cluster of Ningbo City based on Global Value Chains

  13. 要不断创新,建立新闻出版产业的创新体系和创新平台;

    We should innovate constantly to create an innovative system and platform of press and publishing industry .

  14. 产业集群创新体系研究

    Industry Cluster Innovation System

  15. 四是加强社会服务机制建设,积极推动建立和完善产业创新服务体系。

    Fourth , the mechanisms of social services should be strengthened to actively promote the establishment and improvement of industrial innovation service system .

  16. 文章首先探讨了深圳光通信产业自主创新体系的框架,进而阐述了该创新体系建设的目标、四大技术战略、三个创新系统和三种创新机制。

    Firstly , the paper draw the frame of the autonomous Innovation System for Optical Optical-fiber Communication Industry in Shenzhen , then expounds the order , four technology strategies , three innovation systems and three innovation mechanisms for building it .

  17. 产业共性技术创新体系建设的研究

    Research on the Construction of Industrial Generic Technology Innovation System

  18. 主导产业在区域创新体系建设中扮演着重要的角色。

    The leading industry is acting the important role in the construction of regional innovation system .

  19. 建立肉羊产业化科技创新体系大力推动养羊经营方式转变

    Establishment of Sci-Tech Innovation System in Mutton Sheep Industrialization to Promote Transformation of Management Manner in Sheep Industry

  20. 高科技产业集群持续创新生态体系研究

    Research on the constantly innovation ecosystem of hi-tech industrial clusters

  21. 产业集群与区域创新体系建设

    Study of industry cluster and regional innovation system

  22. 试析我国产业集群与区域创新体系的融合

    A Tentative Analysis of the Fusion of the Chinese Industrial Clan and Regional Innovation System

  23. 支撑县域特色产业发展的科技创新体系建设举措

    Building Measures in the Innovation System of Science and Technology of Supporting the Country Characteristics Industrial Development

  24. 构建现代农业产业链技术创新支撑体系的基本思路与对策

    The Thoughts and Countermeasures for the Construction of the Technological Innovation Support System of Modern Agricultural Industry Chain

  25. 孵化器是培育中小型科技企业的摇篮,是高新技术产业化和区域创新体系的重要组成部分。

    In order to properly evaluate land of high and new technology industry , a new analysis index system is put forward .

  26. 在对主导产业理论以及区域创新体系理论分析的基础上,探讨其在区域创新体系建设中的重要作用,并对主导产业区域创新体系的运行机制进行了阐释。

    This article discussed vital role of the leading industry in the regional innovation system , and explan mechanism of the leading industry region innovation system on the analysis of the Leading industry theory as well as the theory of regional innovation system .

  27. 为适应经济全球化和国际竞争的需要,必须加快产业集群与区域创新体系的有效结合,提高产业集群创新能力,推动区域经济的进一步发展。

    In order to adapt to the demand of economic globalization and international competition , it is necessary to quicken the effective fusion of industrial clan and , improve the innovation ability of industrial clan , and impel the further development of regional economy .

  28. 科技型中小企业是我国发展高新技术产业和建立国家创新体系的重要主体,是推动我国产业升级、提高经济综合竞争力的基本力量,在知识经济时代扮演着重要角色。

    Hi-tech SMEs ( The Small and Medium Enterprises ) are playing the most important part in the epoch of knowledge and economy , they are the main body in developing hi-tech industry , building national innovation system , up-grading national industry and increasing economic comprehensive competition .

  29. 一个完善的信息产业链创新政策支撑体系包括财税政策、金融政策、人才政策、基地和平台政策以及标准化和知识产权保护政策等,同时要注意相关政策的协同和不断优化。

    A complete industrial chain information support system for innovation policy includes fiscal policy , monetary policy , personnel policy , the base and platform policy and standardization and intellectual property protection policies and other policies , keeping in mind of the relevant policy coordination and continuous optimization .

  30. 第五章建立了产业技术创新平台的评价体系,提出了产业技术创新平台评价体系的构建原则,研究了产业技术创新平台评价指标体系的构成及评价方法。

    Chapter V of this article creates the evaluation index system of the platform , proposes the construction principles of the platform , researches on the constitution of the evaluation index system , analyses the evaluation method of the platform .