
  • 网络Industrial diffusion;industry dispersion
  1. 信息技术创新的产业扩散模式与路径选择研究

    Industry Diffusion Model and Path Selection of Information Technology Innovation

  2. 产业扩散、企业分蘖与空间再造

    Industrial Diffusion , Enterprise Tillering and Space Remaking

  3. 中国农业产业扩散效应给中国&东盟合作的启示;

    What trade effect is facing China-ASEAN cooperation ?

  4. 最后,文章依据扩散的内容及影响因素从鼓励自主创新及培育创新主体、完善技术市场和弱化区域界限三个方面提出了推动高新技术产业扩散的相关建议。

    At last , some suggestions about encouraging innovation companies , maturing technology market and weakening geographical boundaries are given to promote high-tech diffusion .

  5. 本文分析表明,中国沿海&边疆的产业扩散正在形成,不同区域之间产业扩散具有较大的差别。

    Particularly , this paper indicated that the spread of industry is emerging from Coastal-area to Board-area in the past few years nevertheless the pattern of industrial spreading varies among areas .

  6. 所以房价水平提高使低附加值产业扩散到二三线城市,高附加值产业集聚于一线城市,产业的区位分工以及城市结构体系发生变化。

    So the rising price makes the low value added industries spread to second or third-tier city and high value-added industries gather in the first-tier city . Regional industry division and the structure system of cities are changing .

  7. 高新技术向传统产业的扩散效应及对我国的启示

    Proliferation Effect of High-tech to Traditional Industries and the Enlightenment to China

  8. 特定阶段的主导产业的扩散效应。

    The diffusive effect of the key industries at a specific stage .

  9. 网络外部性与软件产业技术扩散

    Network Externality and Technology Diffusion in Software Industry

  10. 主导产业通过扩散作用带动区域经济的快速发展,是区域经济增长的动力,这一点已经由世界经济发展的历史所证明。

    It has been proven by world economic history that leading industries drive the rapid development of regional economy by diffusion effect .

  11. 此外,对案例地的实证研究发现沪宁杭城际高铁沿线区域旅游经济带已经形成,但尚存在旅游产业要素扩散效应不足和宁杭两市旅游经济辐射力较弱的问题。

    However , the diffusion effect of tourism industry factors in that zone is insufficient and tourism economic radiation force of Nanjing and Hangzhou is weak at present .

  12. 基于合作博弈的产业集群技术扩散的CA模型及其模拟研究

    A CA Model and a Simulation Study on Technology Diffusion in an Industrial Cluster Based on Cooperative Game

  13. 高技术产业主导范式扩散下企业运营管理模式研究

    Research of Enterprises Constructing Operation Management Pattern under the High-tech Industries Dominate Paradigm Proliferation

  14. 以知识经济为核心的现代科学技术的发展及其在实体产业中的扩散,是21世纪经济增长的原动力。

    The original drive for the economic increase in 21st century is the knowledge-economy-centered modern science and technology and their use in industries .

  15. 对装备制造业产业共性技术扩散情况进行了案例分析。

    The operation mode of diffusion system of industrial generic technology is analyzed , and the domestic operation mode is designed consequently . Fifth , a case related generic technology diffusion in the equipment manufacturing industry is studied .

  16. 利用好高新技术产业技术创新扩散的溢出效应,可以进一步增强高新技术产业对经济系统的影响力,避免重复研发,快速提高生产效率,为我国实现跨越式发展赢得时间。

    Making good use of spillover effects of high-tech industry technology innovation diffusion can further enhance the high-tech industry influence on economic system , avoid duplicate research and development , increase production efficiency rapidly and gain time to realize span type development in our country .

  17. 最后,从宏观和微观角度分析了产业集群技术创新扩散,进而建立技术创新扩散的随机扩散模型,讨论了各种参数对产业集群内技术创新扩散的影响,用BP神经网络模型进行技术创新扩散预测。

    Finally , making analysis on the technological innovation diffusion of industrial cluster from views of the macro and micro economy , and establishing the random diffusion model of technological innovation diffusion . A forecast of technological innovation diffusion is made by using BP neural network .

  18. 这样的技术变革正在整个产业系统内快速扩散。

    Such technical change is quickly spreading through the system .

  19. 本文首先回顾了产业集聚与技术扩散相关理论。

    This article first reviewed the correlative theories on industry gather and innovation diffusion .

  20. 基于科技中介服务机构的产业密集区技术扩散研究

    Study on Intermediary Service Organization of Science Technology and Technology Diffusion in Difference Region

  21. 产业集群和创新扩散活动之间存在着相互促进的自增强关系,知识外溢、技术扩散等创新活动促进了企业的空间集聚,而产业集群中企业集聚的加速又有利于区域创新网络的形成。

    There is a self-enhanced relationship for boosting each other between industrial cluster and diffusion of technology innovation .

  22. 地方产业群的集聚扩散能力是决定该地区企业竞争力的关键和核心。

    The ability of assembling and spreading of local industry group is the key for its competitiveness in enterprise .

  23. 从社会资本、知识创新扩散机制等角度研究了产业集群知识创新扩散的影响机理。

    From the perspective of social capital , knowledge diffusion mechanisms , knowledge diffusion effect mechanism of the industrial clusters are analyzed .

  24. 从宏观来看,产业集群技术创新扩散仍然呈S型扩散规律。

    From the macro perspective , the law of technological innovation diffusion in industrial cluster also presents an " S " shape .

  25. 进入二十一世纪,高新技术在世界范围内呈产业整体升级、扩散的态势。

    Since entering 21st century , the high tech industry has an integrally risen and expanded tendency in the range of the world .

  26. 技术溢出作为技术进步在产业间转移和扩散的一种特定形式,其对于经济增长和产业发展来说是至关重要的。

    Technology spillover , a specific form of the inter-industry transfer and diffusion of technological advance , is the most crucial to economic growth and industry development .

  27. 这种全球性的产业转移和技术扩散引致美国制造业国际竞争力下降是其巨额贸易逆差形成和扩大的主要原因。

    The global industry transformation and technology diffusion induce the decline of competitive ability of USA 's manufacture , which is the main cause of the expanding trade deficit in United States .

  28. 高技术产业内生与扩散是两种不同的发展模式,它们在区位因子、区位选择、空间规模、功能布局等方面存在着差异,但也同样追求创新氛围的累积性发展。

    The two modes of hi-tech industry development , the endogenesis and expansion , have their differences in the aspects of locational factors , location choice , space scale , and functional layout .

  29. 本文正是从此出发,研究了高增长产业的产生、扩散机制,并且重点分析了汽车产业和住宅产业对整个经济增长的贡献。

    This text exactly set out from then on , had studied the production of the high growth industry , diffusion mechanism , and has analyzed the contribution to the whole economic growth of the automobile industry and house industry especially .

  30. 本文认为产业转移因为技术扩散会对产业承接带来技术创新、观念更新、并可以从转入企业学习到先进的管理经验和经营诀窍。

    This paper argues that the industry transfer because the technology diffusion of industry to undertake technical innovation , bring updating concept , and can be transferred to the enterprise from " learning " to the advanced management experience and management know-how .