
  • 网络Concentration ratio;industrial concentration
  1. 最后本文对提高钢铁产业集中度和钢铁产业布局优化提出了一些建议。

    Last this thesis gave some suggestions about enhancing steel industry concentration ratio and the steel industry optimize layout .

  2. 近些年来,我国汽车工业发展势头良好,成绩喜人,但也存在着突出的问题,如汽车生产企业规模偏小、产业集中度不高等。

    In recent years , china 's automobile industry develops very well , but there still exist some problems , such as small scale , low concentration ratio .

  3. 并对两者做了格兰杰检验,验证了产业集中度指标CR3是市场绩效指标利润率的格兰杰原因,也就是我国旅行社行业产业集中度的下降是利润率水平持续下降的重要影响因素。

    Granger test verify the industrial concentration CR3 is the market profitability Granger reason and the travel industry in China decline in industrial concentration level is declining profit margins of the important factors .

  4. 通过线性回归模型和Tobit回归模型分析发现,规模经济和市场门槛会促进中国互联网产业集中度的提高,而市场规模和用户需求多样性则降低互联网产业的市场集中度。

    Through the analysis by Linear Regression Model and Tobit Regression Model , we find that economies of scale and market barrier promote the concentration of Chinese Internet Industry , while market size and diversity of user demand may decrease the concentration .

  5. 我国产业集中度影响产业工资水平的实证研究

    Impact of Industrial Concentration on Industrial Wage Level in China

  6. 产业集中度与产业盈利水平关系的研究

    On Relationship Between Industrial Concentration Level and Industrial Profit Level

  7. 第二,产业集中度低。

    Secondly , the industrial centralizing degree is low .

  8. 我国零售产业集中度的实证研究

    Empirical Analysis of the Industrial Concentration of Retailing in China Environmental Industry Information

  9. 江苏省建筑业产业集中度研究

    The Research on Concent ratio n Ratio of Construction Industry of Jiangsu Province

  10. 物流产业集中度与市场绩效关系分析

    Analysis on the Relationships of Concentration Degree and Market Performance in Logistics Industry

  11. 我国汽车产业集中度分析

    Analysis of Integration on China 's Automotive Industry

  12. 制造业组织结构和产业集中度低的矛盾十分突出;

    The conflict between the institutional framework and low integration of industries is extruding ;

  13. 中国旅行社产业集中度分析

    Analysis of Travel Agency Industry Concentration in China

  14. 新疆煤炭产业集中度研究

    Research of Xinjiang Coal Industry Market Concentration Degree

  15. 从产业集中度、产业绩效等方面分析了其产业结构;

    Analyses the structure of automobile industry from the perspectives of industry concentration , etc.

  16. 美日韩钢铁产业集中度的演变及启示

    The evolution and Enlightenment of the us , japan and korea 's steel industrial concentration

  17. 组织转型则要往规模化企业发展,提高产业集中度。

    The organizational transformation targets at on-scale enterprises , and increases concentricity of industrial organization .

  18. 因此,我国煤炭产业集中度应该存在某个恰当的值,使得产业需求量最大。

    Therefore , there should be an appropriate coal industry market concentration making industrial demand maximum .

  19. 接着文章从规模因素、效益因素、产业集中度、营运因素以及综合竞争力五个方面出发,分别对河北省制造业竞争力进行全面的分析。

    Then the paper takes comprehensively analysis for the manufacturing competitiveness of hebei province from four aspects .

  20. 上市公司规模扩张大大提高了产业集中度指数。

    The expansion of the size of listed corporations has greatly raised the index of industrial concentration ratio .

  21. 鼓励电冶联营,组建大型铝业集团,提高产业集中度。

    Encourage electro-metallurgical integration , set up large aluminum industrial groups and upgrade the degree of industrial concentration .

  22. 产业集中度是衡量一个产业在一个区域内的集中化生产程度的重要指标。

    The production concentration is an important index to measure gathering level of an industry in certain area .

  23. 这与中国钢铁产业集中度低和钢铁企业经营效率不高有很大关系。

    This are because low concentration of Chinese iron and steel industry and efficiency of Chinese steel business .

  24. 跨国资本进入对福建省产业集中度影响的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Influences on the Industrial Concentration Ratio in Fujian Induced by the Entry of Transnational Capital

  25. 因此,必须从提高产业集中度和行业进入壁垒、优化产业结构等环节改善钢铁产业规模结构效率。

    Consequently , industry concentration and threshold to admit have to be increased , industry structure must to be improved .

  26. 文章最后研究了物流产业集中度的合适范围,以及提高物流产业集中度的途径。

    At last , the article studied the suitable range and the improving route of the concentration degree of logistics industry .

  27. 进一步整合达钢、威钢等骨干钢铁企业,提高产业集中度。

    Further streamline leading steel & iron enterprises such as Dazhou Steel and Weiyuan Steel and promote degree of industrial concentration .

  28. 认为我国煤炭行业的现状是产业集中度低。

    According to this article , the weakest point of China 's coal industry is the low degree of the sector concentration .

  29. 它包括厂商规模、产业集中度、进入壁垒、产品差异性、政府管制等等。

    It includes the merchant scale , the industry centralization , entering barrier , products difference , governmental regulation and so on .

  30. 钢铁企业在迅速发展的同时,也出现了产能过剩、产业集中度偏低等问题。

    At the same time of the rapid development in steel industry , it also brings excess capacity and low industrial concentration problems .