
  • 网络Industrial Structure Adjustment;restructuring;industrial restructuring;industrial structural readjustment
  1. 未来的几年中,中国煤炭企业不可避免地要面对加入WTO、国家产业结构调整和进一步加强环境保护等方面的变化与冲击。

    In the forthcoming years , coal mines in China will inevitably exposed to the changes and impact arising with China 's WTO entry , the industrial restructuring and stringent environmental protection .

  2. 因此应抓住这次新一轮国际产业结构调整的契机,积极吸收并充分利用服务业的FDI,以优化产业结构,促进经济发展。

    So China should seize the opportunity of international industrial restructuring , actively absorb and make full use of FDI in Services to stimulate the growth of the economy .

  3. 加入WTO后,随着贸易干预手段的减少,我国产业结构调整有向劳动密集型产业集中的趋势。

    After the entry into WTO , with the decreasing of trade interference measurements , we have the labor-intensive industrial concentration trend in industry pattern adjustment .

  4. 运用DEA的理论与方法对区域农业产业结构调整方案进行综合评价与优选。

    The optimal scheme of agricultural industrial structure adjustment was selected with the advanced assessment method of DEA ( Date Envelopment Analysis ) .

  5. 作为公平贸易条件下WTO允许采取的唯一合法的保护手段,保障措施在给予成员方进行产业结构调整,救济产业损害、维护多边贸易体制稳定的过程中发挥了重要作用,并日益受到WTO成员的重视。

    As the only legitimate protection method that WTO permitting , safeguard measures play the vital role in giving the member to carry on the industrial structure adjustment , reliving industry harm , maintaining the multilateral trade system .

  6. 人们转而投身于先合理化,再自动化的BPR运动中。加强宏观调控,强化政策导向,构建有利于产业结构调整的环境,促进产业结构的合理化。

    People then threw themselves into Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ) which was charactered with " rationalize first , automatize second " . Formulating rational policies of industrial structure and providing a good environment to rationalize the industrial structure .

  7. 充分发挥金融在产业结构调整中的促进作用

    On maximizing the role of Finance in promoting industrial structure readjustment

  8. 产业结构调整对劳动力转移影响的结构分析

    The strcture analysis of labour redistribution affected by industrial structure development

  9. 河南省农业产业结构调整优化的理性选择

    The rational option to adjust and excel Henan agriculture industrial structure

  10. 新疆贫困地区产业结构调整的思考

    Adjustment to Structure of Industries in the Poverty-stricken Areas of Xinjiang

  11. 政府服务与农业产业结构调整

    Government Services and the Adjustment of the Structure of Agricultural Industry

  12. 对产业结构调整若干基本关系的定量认识

    Quantitative understanding to several fundamental relationships of the industrial structure adjustment

  13. 产业结构调整、制度变迁与区域经济增长

    Industrial Structure Adjustment , System Evolvement and Regional Economic Growth

  14. 农业机械化发展与农业产业结构调整

    The development of agricultural mechanization and the adjustment of agricultural industrial structure

  15. 比较优势理论与云南产业结构调整

    The Theory of Comparative Superiority and the Adjustment of Yunnan Industrial Structure

  16. 产业结构调整升级的任务依然艰巨。

    The tasks of industrial restructuring are still very huge .

  17. 农业机械化现状不适应农业产业结构调整的需要。

    The situation could not adapt to the agricultural restructuring .

  18. 中山市产业结构调整战略策略研究

    The Stratagem and Policy Research of Zhongshan City 's Industry Structure Adjustment

  19. 航空工业结构调整包括企业结构调整和产业结构调整。

    Aviation industry structure adjustment includes enterprise structure adjustment and industry structure adjustment .

  20. 北京市产业结构调整与用水量关系的研究

    Analysis on the relationship between industrial structure and water use in Beijing City

  21. 科技进步是产业结构调整的基本动力。

    Science and technology progress is the basic drive for industrial structure adjustment .

  22. 国际背景下的中国农业产业结构调整方向

    Adjustment Direction of China 's Agricultural industrial Structure in the World Wide Background

  23. 推进环保产业结构调整的思考

    Considerations on Propelling Structure Adjustment in Environmental Protection Industry

  24. 区域分工、专业化与产业结构调整机理探讨

    Study on the Mechanism of Regional Division , Specialization and Industrial Structure Adjustment

  25. 论农民在农村产业结构调整中的主体地位

    Discuss the Position of Peasents in the Regulation of Industry in the Countryside

  26. 教育创新对江苏省产业结构调整的影响

    The Influence of Education Innovation on the Adjustment of Industrial Structure of Jiangsu

  27. 指出了我国资源型城市产业结构调整的方向。

    It points out the direction of industry structure adjustment of resource-based cities .

  28. 重庆市未来产业结构调整方向与支柱产业

    Aims of Chongqing Industrial Structure to Be Adjusted to & The Mainstay Industries

  29. 我国城市化与产业结构调整关系的定量分析

    The Quantitative Analysis on the Relationship between Urbanization and Adjustment of Industrial Structure

  30. 山西农业产业结构调整与市场发展研究

    Adjusting of the Agricultural Industrial Structure and Development of Market in Shanxi Province