
  • 网络industrial ecology;industry ecology
  1. 桂东经济区产业生态化模式与发展对策研究

    Study on the Paradigm of Industrial Ecology and Countermeasures in Guidong Economic Region

  2. 安徽省产业生态化的目标设计与对策研究

    Study of countermeasures and design of objectives of industrial ecology in Anhui Province

  3. 有鉴于此,可采取两种策略,即产业生态化及绿色GDP核算指标的方式加以管理、引导,以期早日实现集约型经济增长。

    In view of these , we can adopt two countermeasures , ecological industry and green GDP accounting target , in managing and guiding so as to practice intensive economic improvement early .

  4. 西部循环经济战略:产业生态化重组与政策选择

    Cycle Economy Strategy in West China : Industrial Reorganization and Policy

  5. 传统产业生态化模式研究及应用

    Research and application of ecological industrial model of traditional industry

  6. 产业生态化及其实施路径选择&我国生态文明建设的重要内容

    The Eco-industrial Development in China as an Important Part of Ecological Civilization

  7. 山东半岛城市群产业生态化分析与评价

    Ecological Industry Analysis and Assessment of Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration

  8. 茶产业生态化是茶业发展的必然趋势。

    Ecological tea industry transition is the inevitable trend of tea industry development .

  9. 分别从产业生态化的宏观、中观和微观三个层次对企业竞争力构成因素影响进行分析;

    Separately from macroscopic , hit view and microcosmic three levels form the analyses ;

  10. 进一步提出了中国房地产业生态化发展的意义。

    And go step further to point the significance of Chinese real estate industry eco-development .

  11. 对产业生态化理论的思考

    Theory and Consideration on the Greening Industry

  12. 提出了食品产业生态化发展的实施对策与支撑体系;

    The study of the implementation countermeasure of the ecological development of the food industry ;

  13. 中部崛起的范式选择在于县域经济的产业生态化。

    The choice of model of its rising abruptly is ecological industry of county economic .

  14. 产业生态化是近年来可持续发展研究中的热点问题。

    Study on industry ecology was a hot issue of sustainable development research in recent years .

  15. 政府和企业应从不同方面努力来共同推进产业生态化建设。

    So , all of them should make efforts to promote industry ecology from different aspects .

  16. 3走产业生态化之路

    Taking the ecological road of improvement

  17. 最后经实例研究,表明所提出的食品产业生态化发展的模式具有一定的科学性,同时,这些模式对于构建大范围内的生态产业工业园区具有一定的指导意义。

    Finally through case study , the ecological development model of the food industry have certain science .

  18. 第三章,产业生态化对企业竞争力构成因素的影响分析。

    Chapter three , analysis of industry 's ecology influences on the constitute factors of enterprise competitiveness .

  19. 产业生态化:从理论与实践论平衡理念下的发展模式

    Industry Ecologization : Exploration for Developing Mode under Equilibrium Idea on the Basis of Theories and Practices

  20. 对产业生态化路径进行综合考虑和系统研究。

    I give a comprehensive consideration and systematic study of the approach of ecological reform of industries .

  21. 指出产业生态化、循环经济、可持续发展三者之间的关系。

    I points out the relation among ecological reform of industries , cycling economy , and sustainable development .

  22. 第三,在推进产业生态化的进程中,需要宏观主体、中观主体和微观主体共同参与。

    Thirdly , all of macro-level , mid-level and micro-level subjects should take part in process of industry ecology .

  23. 随着可持续发展战略在世界范围内的普遍实施,产业生态化理论发展迅速。

    The theory of industrial ecology is developing rapidly , when sustainable development strategies are carried out the whole world .

  24. 最后,论述了我国产业生态化发展的重要性及障碍因素。

    In the end , I discuss the importance of and hindering factor to the ecological development of China industries .

  25. 本文详细剖析了产业生态化的循环层面,提出了工业园区生态化的升级目标、推进措施和相关政策建议。

    This paper also puts forward the suggestions and policies , as well as the goal of developing eco-industrial parks .

  26. 20世纪90年代以来,产业生态化发展在世界发达国家渐成潮流。

    Since the 1990s , the ecological development of industries has gradually become the mainstream in developed countries of the world .

  27. 产业生态化是人们解决社会、经济、资源与环境可持续发展问题时提出的一条科学路径。

    Industrial Ecology is a scientific path that people solve social , economic , resource and environmental issues for sustainable development .

  28. 提高生态效率是产业生态化的核心目标,而产业生态化是提高生态效率的主要途径。

    To improve Eco-efficiency is the core goal of ecological industry , and ecological industry is the main way to improve Eco-efficiency .

  29. 产业生态化是以实现产业可持续发展为目标的新型的产业发展模式。

    The industrial reform in favor of ecology is the new pattern of industrial development with the target of sustainable development of industry .

  30. 运用第三章设计的旅游产业生态化模式,研究广西旅游产业业生态化模型。

    The tourism industry Eco-mode , the use of the third chapter of the design study of the ecological model of Guangxi tourism industry .