
  • 网络industry positioning;industry position
  1. 齐齐哈尔市产业定位浅析

    Research on Industry Positioning in Qiqihar

  2. 文件进一步明确了旅游业的产业定位,为旅游业发展营造了更为有利的环境。

    The document has further defined the tourism industry positioning to create a more favorable environment .

  3. 区域环评中产业定位调整建议的探讨

    The Adjustment Suggestion for Industrial Planning in Regional Environmental Impact Assessment

  4. 产业定位:陆港产业。包括:临港基础设施产业;

    Industrial Orientation : Port-related Industries , including port-related infrastructure industry ;

  5. 江苏沿江开发的产业定位战略

    On Strategies of Industry Orientation under United Development along Yangtze River

  6. 现代出版的产业定位和经济功能

    The Orientation of the Publishing Industry and its Economy Function

  7. 关于矿业产业定位的国际比较分析

    International comparative analysis about the situation of mining industry orientation

  8. 邯郸市马头生态工业城产业定位研究

    Research on industrial position about ecology industrial city of Matou in Handan

  9. 城市经济功能定位是产业定位的重要前提。

    Of Urban function economy is an important prerequisite for industry location .

  10. 山区县市农业主导产业定位与西部开发&关于建始县农业主导产业发展的调查与思考

    On the Position of Dominant Agriculture of Mountainous Counties in West Development

  11. 所有权的内涵、功能与产业定位

    Connotation and Function of Ownership and Orientation of Industry

  12. 企业伦理与产业定位

    On enterprise 's ethics and industry ′ s orientation

  13. 基于区域经济协调发展视角的天津产业定位探究

    Inquisition of View Tianjin Industry Localization based on Region Economy Coordinated Development Angle

  14. 县域旅游产业定位及相关问题研究

    Positioning of Town Tourism Industry and Correlative Question Study

  15. 论信托业的产业定位与规范化发展

    On the position of the industry of credit and the development of normalization

  16. 区域旅游产业定位的理论困惑及其影响

    On the Theoretical Bewilderment of the Positioning of Regional Tourism Industry and Its Effect

  17. 论小企业产业定位及政府调节

    On the Industrial Positioning Directions of Small Businesses and the Adjustment Policies of Government

  18. 产权特性与产业定位&关于国有企业的另一个分析框架

    The Characteristics of Property Right and Industrial Orientation

  19. 北京服务产业定位研究

    Research on the Orientation of Beijing Service Industry

  20. 知识经济条件下民族地区的旅游产业定位与条件支撑&以云南丽江为例

    The Orientation and Supporting Conditions of Tourist Industry in Ethnic Regions under Knowledge Economy

  21. 以期为政府对其产业定位决策提供参考依据。

    They positioning on the government decision-making reference .

  22. 产业定位临港产业、船舶制造业、重工、高新技术产业。

    Industrial orientation : Neighboring-port services , shipbuilding , heavy industry and Hi-tech industry .

  23. 产业定位的类型大致有五种。

    There are five types of industry orientation .

  24. 认清产业定位,抓住契机,推进青岛旅游经济发展

    Recognizing Industrial Orientation and Grasping the Opportunity to Push Forward the Development of Tourism Economy

  25. 产业定位炼油、乙烯、精细化工、工程塑料、合成橡胶。

    Industrial orientation : Oil refining , fine chemical industry , engineering plastics , synthetic rubber .

  26. 联想集团的产业定位及其全球化战略;

    Lenovo 's industry orientation ;

  27. 旅游产业定位分析及信息化建设建议

    An Analysis of the Tourism Industry Orientation in Yantai City and an Advice on the Informational Construction

  28. 两种类型五级语义量词的赋值差值比较产业定位的类型大致有五种。

    Study on evaluating-diversity of two kinds of five-rating qualifiers There are five types of industry orientation .

  29. 美国、日本、英国等国家更是明确将文化产业定位为战略性支柱产业。

    The United States ^ Japan , Britain and other countries have positioned it as a strategic pillar industry .

  30. 新型工业化时期旅游产业定位与管理创新研究&以青岛市崂山区为例

    Tourism Orientation and Its Management Innovation in the Time of New Industrialization & Taking Laoshan District in Qingdao as Example