
  1. ASP模式的汽车产业链协同售后服务系统的设计与实现

    Research and Implementation of Cooperative After-Sales Service Management System for Automobile Industry Chain under ASP Model

  2. 而基于SaaS的汽车产业链协同商务平台因其具备的资源优势、效率优势和成本优势,成为解决中小企业信息化的重要手段。

    However , The Automotive Industrial Chain Platform based on the SaaS technology become an important means to solve informationization of small and medium-sized enterprise , because of its advantages in resources , efficiency advantage and cost advantage .

  3. 基于应用服务提供商的汽车产业链协同商务平台解决方案

    Solution of ASP based collaborative business platform for automotive industrial chain

  4. 面向制造业产业链协同商务系统的数据交换适配器研究

    Research on data exchange adapter for collaborative commerce system in manufacturing industrial chain

  5. 基于物元分析的产业链协同联盟盟员评价与优选模型

    Evaluation and selective preference model of industrial chain collaboration alliance members based on matter-analysis

  6. 最后,给出了基于物元分析的二阶段产业链协同联盟盟员企业优选与评价算法。

    Finally , the two-stage evaluation and selective preference algorithm of industrial chain collaboration alliance members based on matter-analysis is designed .

  7. 汽车产业链协同平台正好汽车行业的中小企业提供了一个公共服务的协作平台。

    A public service collaboration platform which was provided by the automotive industry chain collaboration platform was a good occasion for small and medium enterprises ( SMEs ) in the automotive industry .

  8. 基于价值链的汽车产业供应链协同管理分析

    A Study of Automotive Industry Supply Chain Collaborative Management Based on Value Chain

  9. 具体的市场营销策略有产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、促销策略以及产业链的协同策略。

    These marketing strategies are product strategy , price strategy , place strategy , promotion strategy and chain synergy strategy .

  10. 光明的轻资产运营模式贯穿整个产业链,协同作用显著,提升了企业的财务绩效。

    Asset-Light Strategy runs through the whole industry chain in SBDF , with the obvious coordination function , it has promoted the financial performance .

  11. 分析了汽车产业链及其协同商务的特点,针对中小汽车制造企业的需要,提出了基于应用服务提供商的协同商务平台解决方案。

    Characteristics of automobile industrial chain and their collaborative business were analyzed . To meet requirements of medium and small-sized vehicle manufacturing enterprises , a solution of Application Service Provider ( ASP ) based collaborative business platform was put forward .

  12. 第三章和第四章,主要探讨了产业集群供应链协同商务及其平台的构建。

    Chapters III and IV , the paper focuses on supply chain collaborative commerce platform of the industrial cluster .

  13. 烟草企业必须基于产业链的纵向协同效率来构建其竞争战略,才能真正获得核心市场优势。

    The tobacco companies must base on the vertical coordinated efficiency to construct its competitive strategies , so as to obtain the core market advantages .

  14. 网络状产业链的价值创新协同与平台领导

    Value Innovation Collaboration and Platform Leadership of Netlike Industry Chain

  15. 面向产业链企业间的协同设计和信息平台研究与应用

    Research and Application of the Industrial Chain of Inter-enterprise Collaborative Design and Information Platform

  16. 而通过纵向并购,能使企业的业务向产业链两端延伸产生协同效应,从而增强企业的竞争力。

    Through vertical M & A , enable businesses to extend to both ends of industry chain which improve synergies , thereby enhance the competitiveness of enterprises .

  17. 在这一大规模的产业转移过程中,出现了一种同行业企业举产业链而迁的协同投资模式,也就是本文所要讨论的跨区域群体投资。

    In the process of the industry transfer , a co-invested mode ( some enterprises in related industries invested together ) appeared , which is called cross-regional group investment in the article .