
  • 网络industrial regulation;industry regulation
  1. 自然垄断产业规制改革研究及对中国实践的初步分析

    Study on Reformation of Natural Monopoly Industry Regulation and Some Tentative Analysis of China 's Practice

  2. 简要回顾了我国电力产业规制改革的过程,指出了当前我国电力产业规制存在的问题;

    The brief history of the power industry regulation is reviewed ; the problems are pointed out ;

  3. 移动号码携带(MNP)是一项被各国电信监管部门普遍采用的产业规制政策,目前全世界已经有67个国家和地区引入了MNP。

    Mobile number portability ( MNP ) is a popular regulation policy in telecommunication market which has been taken by 67 nations and areas .

  4. 中外电信产业规制的经济学比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Economics Regulation in Chinese and Foreign Telecommunication Industry

  5. 城市供水产业规制改革研究

    The Study of Reform of Regulation in City Water Supply Industry

  6. 中国自来水产业规制改革的探讨

    On Regulation of Running Water Industry in China Tian weiling

  7. 基础设施产业规制体制改革的基本框架

    Research on Framework of Regulatory System Reform in Infrastructure Industry

  8. 对我国电信产业规制与制度供给的几点思考

    Speculations about Regulations and the System Supplying of Telecom Industry in China

  9. 中国电力产业规制研究

    Study on the Regulation of Electric Power Industry in China

  10. 日本电信产业规制及其对我国的借鉴

    Japan 's Telecommunications Regulation and Its Referential Significance to China

  11. 自然垄断产业规制改革与民营企业准入途径探讨

    On Restructuring of Natural Monopoly Industries and Ways of Accession of Private Enterprises

  12. 烟草产业规制&基于需求面的分析框架

    The Specific Market Performance of Tobacco and its Regulation

  13. 博弈论视角下的自然垄断产业规制改革

    Reform of the Natural Monopoly Industries Regulation from the Perspective of Game Theory

  14. 中国天然气产业规制问题研究

    Study on regulation of natural gas industry of China

  15. 本文讨论了中国电力产业规制与竞争关系问题。

    This article studies the relation between regulation and competition in China electricity industry .

  16. 电力产业规制政策的演变及经验教训

    The Evolution , Experiences and Lessons of the Regulatory Policy Reform of Electric Industry

  17. 所以,对中国天然气产业规制改革显得尤为迫切。

    Therefore , the natural gas industry regulatory reform is particularly urgent in China .

  18. 俄罗斯与中国从计划经济时期起,就具有很多相似的特点,电力产业规制改革都以效率的提高为目标。

    Russia and China have been had many similar characteristics since the period of planned-economy .

  19. 第二章介绍了一些主要的规制理论,并列举了电信产业规制体系的一般性框架;

    Chapter two specializes in some main merge theory , and give the general framework ;

  20. 高新技术产业规制问题的探讨

    Research on the regulation of high-tech industry

  21. 在此基础上,对中国自然垄断产业规制体制改革提出了政策建议。

    Then we put forward our suggestion to Chinese natural monopoly industry 's regulatory regime reform .

  22. 论港口产业规制契约的重新设计

    Redesign of port regulation - contract

  23. 能源产业规制与技术进步政策

    Regulation and the Policy of Promoting

  24. 基础设施产业规制效率分析

    Analysis on Regulation Efficiency in Infrastructure

  25. 我国职业体育产业规制应然模式的建构分析

    An Analysis on Construction of Ought-to-be Pattern of Governmental Regulation on Professional Sports Industry in China

  26. 与国外相比,中国铁路产业规制具有较为显著的特殊性。

    Compared with the western countries , the railway industry regulation in China has more striking particularities .

  27. 自然垄断产业规制理论的演化与我国电信业的规制改革

    The Evolution of the Regulation Theory of Natural Monopoly Industry and the Regulation Reform of Our Telecom Industry

  28. 而对于我国的水务产业规制改革,无论是进入规制还是价格规制,短期内对城市水务产业的普遍服务实施是产生负面效应的。

    Regulatory reform has a negative effect to the universal service implementation of the urban water industry in short-term .

  29. 分析这些特殊性,为中国铁路产业规制创新提供实证基础;

    Analyses of these particularities form the empirical bases for the regulation innovations of the railway industry in China ;

  30. 目前,这一改革趋势,己成为世界各国电力产业规制改革的潮流所向。

    At present , this reform trend has become the current tendency of the international electric power industry reform .