
  • 网络Industrial relevance;correlative degree of industry
  1. 金融服务业产业关联度的比较研究

    Comparison of the Interrelation between the Financial Service Industry and Others

  2. 专业化分工程度低,产业关联度不高;

    The low degree of specialized division of labor and industrial interconnection ;

  3. 主成分分析法在产业关联度研究中的应用

    Application of Principal Component Analysis to Research of Industrial Relevancy

  4. 经营行为具有一定程度的正外部性和产业关联度。

    Operation behavior has certain exteriority and estate relevance .

  5. 基于产业关联度及区内相对比较优势度的中国重点发展产业选择

    The Determination of Chinese Key Industry Based on Industrial Relevancy and Comparative Advantage

  6. 上海郊区支撑产业关联度分析&某城镇的实证研究

    Relevancy Analysis of Supporting Industry in Shanghai Suburbs

  7. 尤其对于纵向产业关联度较强的行业,买方势力的作用将更加明显。

    Especially for the strongly vertical industrial connecting industry , the buyer power becomes more important .

  8. 现代物流具有很强的产业关联度和带动效应。是国民经济的综合性和支柱性产业之一。

    Modern logistics has a strong industry correlation and a stimulating effect , therefore becomes a mainstay industry of national economy .

  9. 会展旅游是会展业与旅游业相结合的衍生产品,具有很强的产业关联度。

    MICE Tourism is a product that MICE industry and the tourism industry unifies , and it has very strong industrial connection .

  10. 汽车工业近几十年发展迅速,在许多国家的经济发展中,起着重要的支柱作用,它具备产业关联度大、资金积累能力强和就业人口多的特点。

    The automotive industry has been developing rapidly in recent decades , which plays an important role of economic development in many countries .

  11. 奶业是节粮、高效、产业关联度高的产业,是农业现代化的重要标志。

    Dairy industry is an industry of crop-saving , high efficiency and high correlation , as well as the emblem of agriculture modernization .

  12. 产业关联度大、结构调整能力强是世界纺织业的共同特征。

    It is the common feature of world textile industry that it has great relevance to other industries and is able to do structural adjustment .

  13. 汽车工业是产业关联度高、规模效益明显、资金和技术密集的重要产业。

    Automobile industry is an industry which has a high association with the whole industry and high scale merit and is also capital and technology-intensive .

  14. 本文利用我国2002年投入产出表和改进的结构系数分析了我国主要的能源部门(包括一次能源和二次能源)与国民经济各部门之间的产业关联度。

    Based on the 2002 input-output table of China , the paper analyses the inter-industrial linkages of energy sectors , by using the improved structural coefficients .

  15. 而汽车行业是耗费资源巨大、产业关联度大、各国重点发展的行业,因此如何有效配置汽车行业的资源、提高汽车行业的效率成为各国政府以及企业十分关心的话题。

    Therefore , the governments and companies all care about how to make good use of resources in auto industry and how to improve its efficiency .

  16. 生产性服务业是同制造业直接相关的配套性服务业,具有产业关联度高、人才知识密集和创新性强等特征。

    Producer services are supporting services directly related to the manufacturing , have a high degree of industrial linkage , knowledge intensive and innovation strong sexual characteristics .

  17. 根据产业关联度标准以及创新的难易程度可以把衰退产业创新的路径归结为产业竞争规则创新、产业延伸、创造全新产业三类。

    The paths of innovating declining industries can be divided as follows : innovation of industrial competition regulations , industrial extension and creation of brand new industries .

  18. 现代经济条件下,流通业以其引导生产、促进消费、具有较高的产业关联度,正成为国民经济的先导和基础产业。

    In modern economy , the circulation industry with its guiding production , promoting consumption and industrial linkage , is becoming leading and fundamental industry of economy .

  19. 这说明物流业的产业关联度已明显加强,对其相关产业部门的带动和支持作用更加重要。

    This illustrates that the industrial relationship degree of logistics become deeper and the role of logistics in promoting and supporting to its relevant industry is more important .

  20. 定量的方法包括区外相对比较优势度分析方法、产业关联度分析方法、市场潜在需求率分析方法等。

    The quantitive method includes outer area comparison superiority analysis method , the industrial connection analysis method , the market latent demand rate analysis method and so on .

  21. 在所有出口的行业中,纺织业和非金属矿物制品业与其他部门的产业关联度较强,而科技含量较高的出口产品与其他部门的产业关联度较弱。

    In all industries that have export business , the textile and non-metal-mine products have a strong industrial relations with other industries , while the high-tech products a weak one .

  22. 提出基于产业关联度的城际轨道交通客流预测方法,并以沪杭城际轨道交通客流量预测为例,验证模型的合理性。

    Industrial correlativeness degree was proposed based on the inter-city rail transit volume forecast method , with the case of Huhang intercity rail transit , it verifies the model 's rationality .

  23. 汽车工业不仅是产业关联度高、资金和技术密集度高的现代产业部门,而且也是规模效益明显的现代产业部门。

    The automobile industry is a modern industrial sector which is not only with high industrial relevance , with high financial and technical density , but also with obvious scale economy .

  24. 文中对国内外冲激雷达探测技术研究现状及发展趋势进行了介绍,并对冲激雷达探测技术的产业关联度以及冲激雷达技术产品的广阔市场前景进行了分析。

    The current status of the technical research is analyzed . The relation to industry and wide market prospects of the technological products of impulse radar detection technology are described in detail .

  25. 汽车产业关联度大并且规模效益显著,对于拓展市场需求,促进完整的工业体系,加速经济发展具有极其重要的作用。

    The Automobile industry has the characteristic of large-relation and scale benefit , it can improve the development of other industries , which has the important effectiveness for the entire industry system .

  26. 其次,从稳定经济方面来看,由于产业关联度高,房地产的大幅波动,会影响到其它相关产业也出现波动,最终必然会引起经济的波动。

    Secondly , in terms of stabilizing the economy , because the industry has a high degree of correlation , substantial fluctuations in real estate will affect other related industries to fluctuate and would ultimately cause economic fluctuations .

  27. 通过对汽车工业与铸造产业关联度的剖析,指出对汽车铸造产品的主要要求是安全可靠性、节能、低成本和舒适性。

    Based on the analysis of the relationship between the automobile industry and the foundry production , it was pointed out that the safety-reliability , energy saving , low cost and comfort are main requirements for automobile castings .

  28. 航空制造业在我国由低端制造大国向高端制造强国的迈进中,将发挥越来越重要的产业关联度高、科技辐射和技术带动性强的效应。

    The aviation manufacturing in China is advancing from inferior manufacturing country to superior manufacturing great power . It will bring more and more significant effects such as high industry correlativity , powerful technological radiation and technical guidance .

  29. 2003年,国务院发布的《关于促进房地产市场持续健康发展的通知》中指出:房地产业关联度高,带动力强,已经成为国民经济的支柱产业。

    In 2003 ," the notice on promoting the sustained and healthy development of the real estate market " published by State Department said : Real estate related degrees high-power , has been a pillar industry in the national economy .

  30. 但加工贸易仍存在外资比重过高,技术溢出有限,产业关联度不高等问题,上海市应加快加工贸易的转型升级,发挥其外部经济效益的作用。

    But the processing trade still has problems such as high proportion of foreign capital , limited technology spillover , low industrial connection . Shanghai should speed up the upgrade of processing trade and play the role of external economic benefits .