
  • 网络industry linkage;industrial linkage;industry relationship;industrial relation
  1. 利用产业关联(联系)理论,考察了农业纺织原料和纺织产业的关联效应及其演变规律。

    Using the theory of industry relationship , this paper review the relationship effect and evolvement rule about the agriculture textile material and the textile industry .

  2. 江浙高技术产业的产业关联度比较&基于投入产出表的分析

    Comparison on Industry Relationship between Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province 's High-Technology Industry & An Empirical Study on Input-Output Table

  3. 因此,FDI对我国技术创新的溢出效应主要通过产业关联发生。

    So , the spillover effect of FDI in China is mainly by the means of industry linkages .

  4. FDI主要通过技术溢出效应、竞争效应、人员流动效应、示范和模范效应以及产业关联效应来影响着我国高技术产业的自主创新。

    FDI affects independent innovation in the high-tech industry of China mainly through technology spillover , competition , talent flow , demonstration and model effects as well as correlative effect among industries .

  5. 因此,中国应逐步将外资激励政策从超国民待遇向提高产业关联效应、集聚效应、完善特定的需求配套等过渡,尽可能地增加从FDI中的利得。

    Therefore , in order to increase the welfare effect of FDI , China should timely adjust its FDI incentive policy from tax and rental preferential to the improvement of the regional industrial relevancy and opening extent .

  6. 集群区域MNE技术外溢能够通过竞争激励效应、产业关联效应、网络扩散效应等途径得以实现;

    Technology spillover of MNE can be realized by competition and inspiration , relationship of industries , diffusion of internet and so on .

  7. 本文提出了产业关联系数测算方法,通过对产业集群的机制的阐述,在Porter的菱形理论基础上进一步提出了产业集群竞争力的螺旋晶体模型。

    It proposes the measurement approach to Industry Chain Coefficient . By demonstrating the industry cluster mechanism , and based on the diamond theory by Porter , it proposes further a Spiral Crystal Model on industrial clusters competitiveness .

  8. 产业关联系统等价由产业复杂网络来表达,这一问题转化为ICN关联指标的设计与应用问题。

    When industrial system is turned into Industry Complex Networks , this problem is transformed into the design and application of the ICN linkage indicators .

  9. 基于产业关联性的企业竞争力定量评价研究

    The Quantitative Assessment Research of Enterprise Competitiveness Based on Industrial Linkage

  10. 大型体育赛事的产业关联和波及效应的理论研究

    Theoretical Research on Relevant Spread and Effect of Large Sports Competition

  11. 金融服务业产业关联度的比较研究

    Comparison of the Interrelation between the Financial Service Industry and Others

  12. 成渝经济区产业关联与协调发展研究

    Research on Industrial Relationship and Harmonious Development of Chengdu-chongqing Economic Zone

  13. 新疆体育产业关联和产业波及效应分析

    Analysis on Sports Industry Relevance and Industry Spreading Effect in Xinjiang

  14. 广东市场中介服务业的产业关联特点及发展思考

    A study on industrial relevancy of market intermediary service industries of Guangdong

  15. 基于产业关联的工业园区关系网络研究

    Research on the Relation Network of Industrial Park Based on Industrial Correlation

  16. 论信息化进程中的产业关联变化

    On the Change of Industrial Relationship in the Informatization Process

  17. 专业化分工程度低,产业关联度不高;

    The low degree of specialized division of labor and industrial interconnection ;

  18. 旅游产业关联及其区域整合研究

    Study on the Correlation of Tourism Industry and Integration of Regional Tourism

  19. 黄土高原地区产业关联分析

    The analysis of the industrial in the Loess Plateau Region

  20. 跨国公司与中国企业产业关联分析

    An Analysis of the Industrial Associations Between Foreign Transnational Companies and Chinese Enterprises

  21. 中国旅游业产业关联的定量分析

    A Quantitative Analysis Related to China 's Tourism Industry

  22. 经营行为具有一定程度的正外部性和产业关联度。

    Operation behavior has certain exteriority and estate relevance .

  23. 产业关联、产业协同与集群竞争优势的关联机理

    The Connection of Enterprise Cluster 's Competitive Advantages with Industry Interrelation and Synergy

  24. 在生产上缺乏省际间的分工协作,产业关联性差;

    It lacks relevance and division coordination among the three provinces on producing .

  25. 长三角服务业与制造业产业关联的比较

    The Relationship between the Service Industry and Manufacturing Industry

  26. 区域主导产业关联分析

    The Analysis on Mutual Relations of Regional Leading Industry

  27. 中小企业产业关联定位研究

    Industrial Correlative Orientation Research of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  28. 产业关联理论的历史演变及评述

    Historical Evolvement and Comments of Industry Conjunction Theory

  29. 滑雪产业关联性及其作用的分析

    Analyzing the Ski Industries ' Relevant Property and Effect on Developing the Ski Economy

  30. 上海郊区支撑产业关联度分析&某城镇的实证研究

    Relevancy Analysis of Supporting Industry in Shanghai Suburbs