
chǎn yè shēnɡ jí
  • industrial upgrading
  1. 在促进产业升级的因素中,外商直接投资(FDI)是一种有力的外部力量。

    Among the factors that can promote industrial upgrading , FDI is a powerful external force .

  2. 海南服务业的扩大开放与产业升级&中国加入WTO背景下海南服务业的发展

    Further Opening_up and Industrial Upgrading of Hainan 's Service Industry & the Development of Hainan 's Service Industry under China 's Accession to the WTO

  3. 2008年我国人均GDP超过3000美元,历史证明这个阶段是中等收入国家能否完成产业升级步入高收入国家的敏感阶段,也是挑战最严峻的时期。

    Per capita GDP of China exceeded 3000 US $ in 2008 . History has shown that this sensitive and challenging stage is crucial for the middle-income countries to enter the rank of high-income countries .

  4. 本文通过实证和规范研究论证自主GVC模式是中国汽车产业升级的可靠路径。

    Based on empirical study and standardize research , this paper demonstrates that independent GVC model is the dependable upgrading path for Chinas automobile industry .

  5. 国际直接投资(FDI)作为生产要素在区域间的重新分配与组合,对世界各国的资本形成、技术进步、产业升级以及贸易发展等方面产生了重要影响。

    As an interregional act of redistribution and combination of production factors , foreign direct investment ( FDI ) has a great impact on the capital formation , the progress of technology , the industrial upgrading and the trade development around the world .

  6. 我国在价值链模块化背景下基于技术能力构建的产业升级的路径,总共分为三个阶段:技术积累的OEM阶段、从OEM到ODM再到OBM、以OBM为最终目标。

    Our country in the value chain modularization based on the background of the path of technological capability building of industrial upgrading , is divided into three stages : technology accumulation phase of OEM , from OEM to ODM to OBM , with OBM as the ultimate goal .

  7. 完善机制,提升标准,推动产业升级;

    Perfect mechanism , promote standard , push an industrial upgrading ;

  8. 重庆市私营企业产业升级的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on the Industrial Upgrading of the Private Enterprises in Chongqing

  9. 产业升级的要素依赖与路径拓展

    The Promotion of Industry Depends on Key Element and the Expandable Road

  10. 国外传统产业升级改造的借鉴与思考

    Learning and Thinking about The Up-gradation and Reconstruction of Conventional Industries Abroad

  11. 产业升级是十五时期产业结构调整的主题

    On the Adjustment of the Industrial Structure in China

  12. 在煤矿企业,要促使产业升级,需要进一步完善具体、实用和可操作性的管制立法;

    Further perfect concrete , practical and the control lawmaking of the maneuverability ;

  13. 产品内分工对中国产业升级促进作用研究

    Investigation on How Intra-product Specialization Helps Upgrade Chinese Industries

  14. 我国加工贸易的产业升级效应研究

    The Research of Industrial Upgrade Effects of Processing and Assembling Trade of China

  15. 重庆国企技术进步和产业升级研究

    Exploration into the Acceleration of Chongqing 's SOE 's Technological Progress and Industrial Upgrade

  16. 产业升级中的中国劳动成本优势

    Chinese advantage of labor costs when industrial upgrade

  17. 金融创新与金融产业升级指标体系及效用分析

    Analysis on Establishment and Utility of the Index System of Financial Innovation and Financial Upgrade

  18. 第二部分为全球价值链中产业升级理论分析。

    The second part is the theory of industrial upgrading in the global value chain .

  19. 嵌入全球价值链与产业升级&以苏州和温州两地为例

    Insertion in Global Value Chains and Industrial Upgrading : An Empirical Research on Suzhou and Wenzhou

  20. 走内涵式发展之路促进产业升级

    Go Intension Development Promote Industry Upgrade

  21. 进而导出要加强政府作用,推进产业升级的思路。

    So we should strengthen government function , and advance our idea of an industry upgrade .

  22. 紧紧依靠科技创新,促进农产品加工食品工业产业升级

    Rely Firmly on the Innovation of Science and Technology , Promote Domain Grades in Agri-food Industry

  23. 完成工业的战略性结构调整和产业升级,是重庆十五期间的一项重要战略任务。文章从重庆工业经济现实基础;

    This is an important strategic job that to complete to revise and escalate for industrial structure .

  24. 以危机为契机,积极推动珠三角制造业产业升级的分析

    Analysis of Industry Upgrading Promotion in Manufacturing in the Pearl River Delta by Turning Crisis into Opportunity

  25. 茶产业升级的机遇

    Tea Industrial Upgrading Opportunity

  26. 为了增强国际直接投资产业升级效应,必须创造的环境与条件;

    The author believes our environment and conditions should be improved to better the efficiency of the upgrading by FDI .

  27. 陕北能源化工基地的产业升级及其结构优化重组

    A Study on the Leading Industry and the Rationality of Industrial Structure in the Energy and Chemical Industry Base North Shaanxi

  28. 入世有利于扩大我国的服装出口,促进我国服装产业升级,提高服装企业综合竞争力。

    Joining WTO is favourable for expanding our garment export , upgrading our garment industry , and improving our overall competitiveness .

  29. 从长期看,跨国公司投资的扩大将有利于我国经济发展和产业升级,同时,也会带来一些风险。

    From a long-term point of view , the investment of transnational corporations will benefit our economic development and industrial upgrade .

  30. 纺织机械作为纺织工业的生产手段和物质基础,其竞争力直接关系到产业升级转型。

    Textile machinery as textile industrial means of production and material basis , its competitiveness directly related to industrial upgrading transformation .