
chǎn yè huà
  • industrialize
  1. 以信息服务的社会化和产业化为方向;

    The direction is to socialize and industrialize the information service .

  2. 依靠外向型经济加快麻竹产业化发展

    Depending Outward Economics to Speed up Dendrocalamus Latiflorus Manro Industrialize Development

  3. 加入WTO后中国高等继续教育产业化机制探讨

    The Industrialization of The High Continual Education After China 's Entry of WTO

  4. 加入WTO后汉语言教育的国际化、产业化

    Internationalization and Industrialization of the Chinese Language Education after China 's entry into WTO

  5. 程序化人工授精技术(ProgramArtificialInsemination)是商品牛产业化生产中的一项重要技术。

    Program Artificial Insemination is an important technique in the industrialized production of yellow cattle .

  6. 推进闽西农业产业化的几点思考加入WTO后闽西烤烟生产可持续发展的对策

    Measures of sustainable development of flue-cured tobacco production in the west of Fujian Province after entry into WTO

  7. AVS移动视频标准及其产业化

    AVS-M Mobile Video Standard and Its Industrialization

  8. 随着中国加入WTO,中国电影产业化态势已经日趋明朗,电影产业化道路成为中国电影发展的必由之路。

    As China joined into WTO , the tendency of industrialization for China film becomes obvious day by day . The path of industrialization for films has been the only way to develop China Film .

  9. 现有MEMS制造工艺难于同时满足既能加工真三维微结构又能与集成电路工艺兼容的要求,严重阻碍了MEMS产业化的进一步快速发展。先进制造技术之ICMEMS制造技术及其发展趋势(续前)

    Currently , the MEMS fabrication technology can 't meet the needs of 3-D structure fabrication and compatibility with IC fabrication simultaneously ; thus the development of MEMS industrialization has been impeded to a certain extent .

  10. 200MW低温核供热堆研究进展及产业化发展前景

    Development Progress and Prospect for lndustrial Application of the 200 MW Low Temperature Nuclear Heating Reactor

  11. 大力开发垃圾资源,实现垃圾产业化

    Intensifying the Development of Refuse Resource , Achieving the Refuse Industrialization

  12. 然而,燃料乙醇的产业化依然面临许多挑战。

    However , the fuel ethanol industrialization still faces many challenges .

  13. 鄂东农业产业化调查札记与反思

    An Investigation of Agricultural Industrialization in East Hubei and Some Reflections

  14. 内蒙古民俗文化资源的产业化开发

    The Industrialized Development of the Folk Culture Resource of Inner Mongolia

  15. 农业科技产业化过程的风险及对策

    Risks in the Industrialization Process of Agro-Sciences and Technology and Countermeasures

  16. 我国西气东输产业化的政策分析

    Analysis of Industrial Policies on China 's West-East Gas Pipeline Project

  17. 南通市紫菜产业化经营浅析

    Study on laver industrialization business of Nantong city , Jiangsu province

  18. 依靠科技进步推进农业产业化发展

    To Promote the Development of Agricultural Industrialization Depending on Sci-tech Progress

  19. 农业产业化程度的评估方法

    The Method for Assessing the Degree of Integration of Agricultural Chains

  20. 农业产业化信息网络系统及农产品营销网页制作研究

    Study of network system of agricultural industrial information and e-commercial affairs

  21. 为后文的产业化政策哲学思考打下坚实的基础。

    For later industrialization policy philosophical thinking to lay a solid foundation .

  22. 文化遗产产业化运作的路径依赖与战略选择

    Culture heritage industrialization operation 's path dependence and strategy selection

  23. 特色农业与水稻优质米产业化发展模式及对策

    Characteristics agriculture and high quality green-rice industrial of Yanbian autonomy

  24. 体育产业化的经济学探讨

    A Brief Discussion on the Qualifications of Sport Economic Agents

  25. 高速公路产业化问题被提到重要位置。

    So industrialization of highway has been raised to an important position .

  26. 图书馆产业化的界定及其结构模式

    On the definition and the structural mode of library industrialization

  27. 第三部分:农业产业化和农村城镇化相互作用的实证分析。

    The positive analysis of agricultural industrialization and urbanization in rural area .

  28. 甘蔗的饲料价值及其产业化发展前景

    Value of sugarcane as feed and its developmental prospects as the industry

  29. 传媒产业化中的人力资源整合研究

    The Research of Human Resources Integration in the Media Industrialization

  30. 福建省中药材产业化开发的探讨

    Chinese Traditional Medicine Production Actualities and Industrialize Exploitation Countermeasure in Fujian Province