
  1. 我国中医药产业国际化发展的知识产权问题研究

    Study on Intellectual Property Issue of Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry Internationalization

  2. 承德旅游产业国际化进程研究

    Study on Internationalization Course of Tourism Industry in Chengde

  3. 中国软件产业国际化发展的需要。

    It is required by the internationalization of China .

  4. 中国软件产业国际化问题研究

    A Study on Internationalization of China Software Industry

  5. 中药产业国际化与知识产权保护

    The Internationalization for the Industry of Traditional Chinese Material Medica and Its Intellectual Property Protection

  6. 文化创意产业国际化发展研究&以北京为例

    On the Internationalization Development of Cultural and Creative Industries : Take Beijing as an Example

  7. 我国古代炼丹术和医药中的化学成就中药产业国际化的人力资源支持研究

    A Study on the Human Resources Support to the Internationalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry

  8. 中国林业可持续发展与林业产业国际化

    On the Sustainable Development of China Forestry Industry and the Internationalization of the Forestry Industry

  9. 中药产业国际化进程中的影响因素分析与发展研究

    Influencing Factor Analysis and Development Study of Internationalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) Industry

  10. 技术标准国际化和对应产业国际化成长之间相互促进。

    There are mutual promotions between the internationalization of technology standard and the international growth of corresponding industries .

  11. 中药产业国际化是在新的历史条件下发展我国中药产业的战略性举措。

    The internationalization of the Chinese herbal medicine industry in the new history becomes the strategic measures to develop it .

  12. 本文首先总结了国内外产业国际化的发展理论及发展历程,对产业国际化及其相关的概念进行了界定。

    Firstly , it summarizes the developmental rational and course of internationalization , and defines the conception of industry internationalization .

  13. 随着信息产业国际化趋势的发展,广域网理论的研究显得越来越重要。

    With the development of information internationalization , the research of global network theory is becoming more and more important .

  14. 中药产业国际化是实现发展的手段不是目标。

    The internationalization of TCM industry is just one of the means to achieve the development , not the goal .

  15. 在理论上期望可以拓展产业国际化研究的视角,使现有的国际化理论有所深化。

    In theory , we expect to deliberate the rationale of internationalization investigation by expanding the research angle of view .

  16. 中国杂交水稻产业国际化的分工盈利模式与路径选择

    Industrial Division of Labor , Pattern to Gain Profit and Path Selection of Internationalization of China 's Hybrid Rice Industry

  17. 因此,对软件产业国际化程度进行评价具有重要的现实意义。

    Thus , the evaluation of software industry internationalization degree is necessary for any region that wants to develop software industry .

  18. 通过对传统中药产业国际化现状和影响因素进行分析,揭示存在问题,提出合理建议。

    Based on analyzing present internationalization situation of the TCM , revealing the existing problems , and putting forward reasonable proposals .

  19. 在科技革命的推动下,高新技术产业国际化已经成为当今世界经济发展的一大潮流。

    Promoted by the scientific revolution , the internationalization of hi-tech industries has become a major trend in the development of the world economy .

  20. 笔者试图在本文中,通过对软件产业国际化问题的研究,寻找出一条中国软件产业发展的道路。

    In this paper , Author is trying to study on the internationalization of software industry , to indicate the way of china software development .

  21. 伴随着经济全球化和旅游产业国际化的步伐,高职高专旅游教育国际化成为必然的战略选择。

    Along with economic globalization and international tourism industry and its pace , the international college of tourism education will inevitably become a strategic choice .

  22. 对推进影视产业国际化进程,增强影视产业的国际竞争力具有重要意义。

    Film and television industry to push forward the process of internationalization , film and television industry to enhance the international competitiveness of great significance .

  23. 第四部分提出了软件产业国际化程度评估的模糊综合评价法,并运用层次分析法对各个指标的权重进行了赋值。

    Part IV. The paper use fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to evaluate the software industry internationalization , in which the analysis hierarchy process is used to ensure proportion .

  24. 大连市作为软件产业国际化示范城市,软件产业发展十分迅速,为大连市软件人才教育发展带来了机遇和挑战。

    Dalian city , as National Software Industry Internationalization Demonstration City with a rapid software industry development , has made a great challenge and choice against the software talent education .

  25. 大连市创建软件产业国际化示范城市软课题中的知识与信息管理系统(原型)于2001年11月运行,为课题组顺利完成软课题研究提供了一个支撑平台。

    Knowledge and Information System ( Prototype ) of " Dalian City Building a Software Industry Internationalization Model City " has run since Nov. 200 Land take advantage of the VRO to finish Soft-subject .

  26. 20世纪,伴随着经济全球化、产业国际化进程的不断加快,旅游产业国际化逐渐成为未来世界经济发展的基本趋势。

    With the constant improvement on the process of economic globalization and industrial internationalization in the twentieth century , tourism industrial internationalization has gradually become the basic trend of the development of future world economy .

  27. 随着中医药产业国际化进程的加快和海峡两岸中医药文化交流的频繁,了解两岸中医师培养及考核制度是非常必要的。

    With the pharmaceutical industry to speed up and Chinese medicine cultural exchanges frequently cross-strait , it is necessary to know the training and assessment system for Chinese medicine practitioners both in Taiwan and the mainland .

  28. 其发展状况是衡量一个国家或地区服务贸易产业国际化水平和产业成熟程度的重要标志,各国都制定了不同的政策来支持和鼓励入境旅游业的发展。

    Its development condition stands for the level of the internationalization trade in services and the important symbol of the degree of industrial mature , and many countries have formulated policies to support and encourage the development of tourism .

  29. 本文通过分析中国中药产业国际化程度及其知识产权保护的现状,提出相关的知识产权战略,以进一步保护中药产业的发展和促进中药的国际化。

    The paper analyzes the internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine and current status of its intellectual property protection , and thus proposes related IP strategy so as to ensure the further development of traditional Chinese medicine and the promotion of its internationalization .

  30. 而大力发展计算机成像技术也成为中国电影有力抗衡外来影片冲击、提高商业电影票房收入以及迈向电影产业国际化道路的重要因素。

    The development of CGI technology is the most important element for Chinese films , which can effectively resist the impact of foreign films , increase box office of the commercial films and lead the Chinese film industry into the international market .