
  • 网络Industrial Innovation
  1. 产业创新全球化:问题、理论与区域整合

    Globalization of Industrial Innovation : Problem , Theories and Area Conformity

  2. 产业创新是衰退产业中企业的生存选择。

    Industrial innovation is the strategic choice for enterprise to surviving .

  3. 电子信息产业创新体系研究&基于产业创新视角的分析

    Study of Innovation System for Information Industries : From Industrial Innovation

  4. 基于信息技术革命的产业创新模式

    The Models of Industrial Innovation Based on the Information Technological Revolution

  5. 产业创新链的内涵与价值实现的机理分析

    Analysis on the Industry Innovation Chain Intension and the Value Realization Mechanism

  6. 河北农村商品流通产业创新的对策研究

    Research on Countermeasures of Innovation of rural Commodity Circulation Industry in Hebei

  7. 面向自主发展的汽车产业创新模式研究

    Research on Automotive Industry Innovation Pattern Basing on Indigenous Development

  8. 县域产业创新的机理与路径&以扬州市邗江区为例

    On the Mechanism and Route of County Industrial Innovation

  9. 产业创新系统效应测度模型及实证研究

    Researches on the Estimation Model of the Industry Innovation Systematic Effect and Demonstration

  10. 区域产业创新体系构建研究

    A Study on Constructing the Regional Industry Innovation System

  11. 产业创新系统生成机理与结构模型

    Industrial Innovation System Production Mechanism and Structural Model

  12. 试论西安旅游产业创新

    A Tentative Study on the Innovation of Tourism Industry in Xi ′ an City

  13. 仪器仪表产业创新过程中政府行为分析与比较

    Role of Government in Development of Instrumentation Industry

  14. 面向中国光谷的产业创新系统研究

    The Research of the Industrial Innovation System Based on the Optics Valley of China

  15. 环青海湖地区生态环境保护与特色产业创新研究

    Research into Ecological Environment Protection around the Qinghai Lake Areas and Feature Industrial Innovation

  16. 中国铁路产业创新系统研究

    Research on Industry Innovation System in Chinese Railway

  17. 新经济与信息产业创新

    New Economy and Innovation of Information Industry

  18. 产业创新:超越传统企业创新理论的新范式

    The Innovation of Industry : the New Model Which Surpass Traditional Theory of Business Innovation

  19. 信息产业创新推动机制的研究

    On Information Industry 's Creative Driving Mechanism

  20. 旅游立省战略背景下河南旅游产业创新研究

    Study on Henan Tourism Industry Innovation under the Background of " Tourism Province " Strategy

  21. 创新型城市与产业创新系统

    Innovative City and Industrial Innovation System

  22. 技术能力对产业创新的影响&以东方汽轮机厂为例

    The impact of Enterprise 's Technology Capacity on Industrial Innovation : A Case of DE Corporation 's Industrial Innovation

  23. 得出产业创新实质是知识演进的初步结论;提出了促进产业创新方面的实践政策建议。

    Obtain conclusion that industrial innovation is essentially the evolution of knowledge . Propose policy recommendations on industrial innovation promotion .

  24. 最后提出构建中新天津生态城的产业创新机制和管理方法体系,以建立中新生态城产业结构体系。

    At last , industrial innovation mechanism and integrated mamagement system are established for the eco-industrial structure system in Sino-Singapore eco-city .

  25. 在产业创新全球化条件下,不同的行业或领域,有以用户为创新源,有以原料供应商为创新源,有的行业或领域以制造商为创新源。

    Different industries or fields are innovated by user , raw material supplier or manufacturer in the context of globalization of industrial innovation .

  26. 不断优化区域科技创新的环境与系统,提高以自主创新的核心创新能力,促进与产业创新的共生进化与优化。

    Promote the core innovation ability characterized as autonomous innovation ; and accelerate the parasitic evolution with industry innovation together with its optimization .

  27. 上述机制都是建立在厂商的相互作用和相互学习的基础上,因此,学习机制被认为是产业创新的根本性作用机制。

    All of them are based on inter-firm mutual learning and intercommunion . Learning mechanism is considered of the fundamental mechanism of industrial innovation .

  28. 高技能人才队伍的培养是知识创新、科技创新、产业创新不断加速时代条件下的一个重大课题。

    The cultivation of talent 's team with high-skill is a great subject of knowledge innovation , scientific and technical innovation , industry innovation .

  29. 理论研究和工业实践表明,产学研合作已成为推动产业创新的重要途径。

    The theoretical research and industrial practice show that industry-university collaboration ( referred to as IUC ) has become an important channel which promotes industrial innovation .

  30. 电子信息产业创新体系,包括技术创新、产业链创新、集聚创新、应用创新和政策创新五大构件,具有多重、特别的价值。

    Information industrial innovation that consists of technologic innovation , industrial chain innovation , industrial cluster innovation , application innovation and policy innovation has much particular value .