
  1. 第三章,系统软件产业市场结构的LV模型。本章改进了生态学中种群竞争的LV模型并将它用来模拟系统软件产业中的标准竞争。

    In chapter three , the ecological competition model is improved to simulate the dynamic competition between technical standards in system software market .

  2. 第一,本文介绍了Linux和Windows的发展历史,并对知识产权与软件产业市场结构的相关理论做了简要综述,在此基础上提出了本文研究的问题。

    First , this thesis introduces the histories of Linux and Windows development , then surveys the theoretical and empirical studies in term of intellectual property and the market structures of software industry from economics , which is aimed to induce the main problem of the thesis .

  3. 自然垄断产业市场结构重组的目标、模式与政策实践

    Target , Models and Policy Practice for Structuring Natural Monopoly Industries

  4. 我国中药材加工产业市场结构分析

    The Analysis of Market Structure of Chinese Herbal Medicine Processed Industry

  5. 我国空分设备产业市场结构分析

    Marketing structure analysis of the air separation device industry in China

  6. 技术创新主导下产业市场结构的动态多样性

    Dynamic Diversity of the Modern Industrial Market Structure Dominated by Technology Innovation

  7. 中国人身保险产业市场结构、行为和绩效研究

    Structure Conduct and Performance of China Life Insurance Industry

  8. 绍兴市纺织产业市场结构与产业组织政策选择

    Selection on Textile Industry 's Market Structure and Industrial Organization Policy in Shaoxing

  9. 知识产权与软件产业市场结构

    Intellectual Property and the Market Structures of Software Industry

  10. 中国汽车产业市场结构分析和产业组织政策

    Analysis of Market Structure and Policy of Industrial Organization on Chinese Automobile Industry

  11. 中国房地产业市场结构优化研究

    Research on optimization of market structure of China 's industry of real estate

  12. 旅游产业市场结构目标取向及对策分析

    The Goal of Tourism Market Structure and the Policies

  13. 我国绿色食品产业市场结构优化与提高市场绩效的探讨

    Optimize and Improve Market Discussion of Performance of Industry of Pollution-free Food Market Structure

  14. 寡头垄断:全面建设小康时期我国产业市场结构的新选择

    Oligopoly : A New Choice for Chinese Industrial Structure Market During Building Well-off Society

  15. 区域性产业市场结构分类方法体系研究

    On Constructing Regional Industry Market Structure Classification System

  16. 我国煤炭产业市场结构优化研究

    Research on the Optimization of Coal Industrial Structure

  17. 我国电力产业市场结构与价格规制治理研究

    Research on Structuring and Regulated Pricing Mechanism of the Electric Power Industry in China

  18. 我国资源产业市场结构及其变化趋势的实证分析

    Analysis on evidence of market structure and it 's trend of resources industry in China

  19. 转轨期我国出版产业市场结构与行为研究

    Research on the Market Structure and Conduct of the Publishing Industry in System Changing Periods in China

  20. 我国日化产业市场结构、居民收入和产品价格的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis of Market Structure , Resident Income and Product Price Based on Chinese Household Chemical Products Industry

  21. 并在与发达国家比较的基础上,明确了我国汽车产业市场结构发展趋势。

    Based on comparison with developed countries , the development trend of our country 's automobile industrial market structure is defined .

  22. 进一步深入分析了中国石油产业市场结构对纵向一体化的影响。利用双重加价模型,发现市场结构对企业实施纵向一体化有重要影响。

    Based on the analysis of double marginalization model , we find market structure has an important impact on vertical integration .

  23. 我国油气产业市场结构的特征是从产业层面来看,三大公司占据市场主导地位,属于寡头垄断型市场结构;

    On the industry level , CNPC , CNOOC and SINOPEC has the dominant position , it is the oligopoly market structure .

  24. 垄断性产业市场结构重组后的分类管制与协调政策&以中国电信、电力产业为例

    The Differentiated Regulation and Coordinated Policies after Market Restructuring in Monopoly Industries & Take China 's Telecommunication and Electricity Industries as Examples

  25. 因此,中国产业市场结构的优化应选择寡头垄断市场结构,其目标就是要实现产业内企业既有规模效益,又有竞争活力。

    Therefore , the choice of the oligarchic monopoly can optimize the market structure of industry of china to achieve our object .

  26. 网络外部性、软件保护与软件产业市场结构的关联分析&基于软件商业模式的角度

    Correlative Analysis on Software Protection , Network Externality and Market Structure of Software Industry : Based on Perspective of Software Business Mode

  27. 我国资源产业市场结构表现为市场集中度总体偏低,自然垄断、行政垄断和经济垄断混合的非常态垄断和资源产业上下游进入机制的不健全。

    Concentration degree of resource industry 's market is too low or too high which has caused the market structure 's low efficiency .

  28. 在对房地产业市场结构的考察中,文章主要选取市场集中度标准衡量房地产业市场结构状况。

    In the investigation of the structure of the real estate market , this paper selects the real estate market concentration as the standard of research .

  29. 因此,如何优化乳品加工产业市场结构,规范乳品加工企业的竞争行为,保障中国乳品产业的健康发展,成为目前学术界的一个极其重要的课题。

    Therefore , how to optimize the market structure and norm the competition conduct of dairy processing enterprises is a very important issue in the academic community .

  30. 并且指出较低的市场绩效又进一步加剧了鸡产业市场结构的不合理。(5)中国鸡产业发展的产业组织政策与行业管理,即第七章。

    Moreover , this inappropriate structure is further aggravated by the lower market performance . ( 5 ) Chapter Seven consists of organization and management of the Chinese chicken industry .