
  1. 其经济增长模式是资源产品再生资源,其规划编制应由城市规划、园区环境保护规划和园区产业结构规划三部分组成。

    Its mode of economic growth takes the form of " resources-products-renewable resources " and its planning is made up of three parts , namely , urban planning , environmental protection planning within the park and industrial structure planning of the park .

  2. 相关的结论将有助于采取相应的合理的消费引导政策和服务业的产业结构布局规划,更好的发动消费对经济的拉动作用。

    Results can help the government adopt rational consumption policy to facilitate economic growth .

  3. 根据辽宁的产业结构,规划高等教育的学科专业结构。

    Fifth , programme the subject and specialty structure according to the industry framework of Liao Ning .

  4. 为了解决这些问题,第五部分根据实际情况,提出了促进长沙县经济发展的六个政策建议,这六个政策建议涵盖产业结构、政府规划、金融系统建设、农业发展、财政收入等方面。

    Finally , the article provides six policy suggestions which involving industry structure , government plan , financial system construction , agriculture development , government revenue to promote the economy development of Changsha County .

  5. 同时,论文针对浙江省开发区土地利用强度存在的问题从土地监管、产业结构优化、规划调整、加强土地市场配置等方面提出政策建议。

    Finally , the policy suggestions about land supervision , industrial structure optimization , planning adjustment and strengthening land market allocation and so on are put forward on the base of the analysis in the problem of land use intensity of the development zones in Zhejiang .

  6. 工业社会的产业结构调整对城市规划的思维模式产生了巨大影响。

    The industrial restructuring in industrial societies greatly effects the way of thinking in city planning .

  7. 分析指出调整产业结构、加强城市规划和建设、加快基础设施建设等是促进西部中等城市由弱可持续或不可持续向可持续发展演进的关键。

    At last , the author points that adjusting industrial structure , strengthening city plan and construction , quickening construction of basic establishment are the key of accelerating all the mid-sided cities evolvement from feeble or unsustainable development to sustainable development .

  8. 同城一体化的发展模式对城市管理和发展具有重要的意义,它可以使泉州市突破行政区划限制,优化城市经济产业结构,促进城市规划、建设和管理一盘棋,提高城市竞争力和区域影响力。

    Second , the mode is meaningful for the urban management and development , for it can make Quanzhou breakthrough administrative division limit , optimize industrial structure , promote the urban planning , construction and management , so as to improve the urban competitiveness and regional influence .

  9. 第三部分是对产业结构法的组成部分之一&产业结构规划法的立法选择问题的研究,着重讨论了该法的立法目标的设定、调整手段的选择、评价机制的构建和法律责任的设置。

    In this part , I discussed the object of legislation , method of adjustment , evaluation mechanism and liability in respect to Industrial Structure Planning Law .

  10. 本文分为五章,主要是从经济增长的角度研究中原城市群产业结构的演变规律和产业结构的优化,从而为制定中原城市群产业结构的规划与优化的政策提供理论依据。

    The thesis mainly study the construction of industry of ZhongYuan Urban Agglomeration from the aspect of evolution of the construction industry and optimizing of the construction industry .