
  1. 旅游房地产业形成的分蘖理论分析

    Tillering theoretic Analysis of tourism and Real estate Turning An Independent Industry

  2. 国外体育产业形成与发展

    Formation and Development of Sports Industry In Foreign Countries

  3. 没有资源禀赋优势的浙江嘉善木材产业形成了经济学界所谓的零资源现象。

    Jiashan ' timber industry creates special economic phenomena of " zero resource " .

  4. 其次,分析了特色产业形成、发展的理论基础;

    Secondly , it analyses the theoretical foundation of formation and development of characteristic industries .

  5. 界定了边缘地区主要经济特征、主导产业形成的特殊性和约束条件,据此论证了边缘地区主导产业形成的条件、动因以及路径。

    It defined main economic characteristic of periphery region , and its particularity and constraint of leading industry .

  6. 至此,房地产业形成了一超(万科)多强的竞争格局。

    So far , the real estate industry has formed a super ( Wanke ) and a lot of powerful competition .

  7. 信息技术日新月异,电子技术运用于产业形成了所谓的新制造环境。

    Information technology improve every day , electronic technology was used in the industry and formed a so-called new manufacturing environment .

  8. 世界上很多现代化、具有较高竞争力的城市,也都是通过发展现代流通产业形成持续不断的城市竞争力,例如纽约、东京等经济发达的大城市都具有很强的城市流通产业竞争力。

    Many well economically developed major cities , such as New York , Tokyo and other cities have a strong flow of industrial competitiveness .

  9. 大学周边产业形成动因及结构的实证研究&以同济大学周边产业群落为例

    The positive research on the form reason and construction of the enterprises around the university-Take the example of the enterprise community surrounding Tongji University

  10. 它的技术能力正以飞快的速度升级,它的企业对越来越多的欧美产业形成威胁。

    Its technological capacity is upgraded at prodigious rates and its businesses threaten an ever greater swath of industry in Europe and the US .

  11. 在分析物流产业形成的基础上界定物流产业的边界,这是对物流产业进行分析的前提基础。

    In the basis of analysis how the logistics industry form , then define logistics industry . This is the prerequisite basis for analysis logistics industry .

  12. 其总的目标是促使深圳广告产业形成合理化的有效竞争态势,实现令人满意的市场效果。

    The target is to facilitate advertising organizations in Shenzhen to create a rational situation of effective competition so as to realize a satisfying market effect .

  13. 从而阐明了环保产业形成与发展的思想渊源及理论基础。

    This paragraph clarified that the formation and development of environmental protection industry development has deep ideology resource of environmental protection and theory foundation of industry development .

  14. 技术、市场需求、产品系统的结构创新、政府支持及核心企业惯例影响产业形成与发展。

    Industry creating and developing are influenced by technology , market demand , structure innovation in a product system , government support and the routine of core firms .

  15. 以比较优势理论为基础的地域分工理论是特色产业形成与发展的重要理论依据。

    The theory of regional divide , which is based on the comparative advantage , is the major theoretical basis for the emergence and development of the characteristic industries .

  16. 二是如何反对外商直接投资企业在某些产业形成垄断,避免外商控制市场份额、控制经济。

    Secondly , how to object to the monopoly of FDI enterprises form in some industries , so that prevent the foreign from controlling market share , controlling economy .

  17. 南京都市圈文化产业形成了以南京为核心的六大特征和三重圈层发展态势,呈现出市场导向带动政策支持、产业链拉长的新格局。

    The cultural industry in Nanjing urban circle has cultivated development form of six characteristics and triple layer circles and a new pattern of policy support driven by market has est .

  18. 由于实现兼容或互联性可以实现更大的网络效应,在ICT产业标准形成过程中,合作往往是最明智的选择。

    Because compatibility and correlation can help realize maximum effect of network , in the course of standard formation , cooperation is the wisest option .

  19. 本文介绍的采访内容将有助于我国的本土企业去了解外国企业的状况,在全球经济的大环境下互通有无共同促进中国RFID产业的形成和发展。

    The contents described in this article will make help to let enterprises of China understand foreign RFID companies , and make then to cooperate each other in the global economic .

  20. IPTV产业的形成需要价值链上各方的参与,其中内容运营商和网络运营商是价值链上最重要的两个环节;

    The IPTV industry formation needs on all partners'participation of the value-chain , among which the content operator and network operator are the most important two partners .

  21. 本文首先分析了影响中国3G产业链形成的主要因素,并结合3G产业链的特征建立了3G产业链结构模型,认为该模型可以划分为一个中心元素、两个支撑元素和三个元素群组;

    Firstly , this thesis analyzed the primary factors of its construction , and then combine the characters of the industrial chain of 3G to build the model . It held that the model can be divided into : a central element , two supportive elements and three element groups .

  22. 由于受到产品生命周期的约束,这种非竞争性结构并不能完全被整体市场抹平,其结果是在产业中形成某种制度性结构,这个过程就是产业组织形式形成的过程。

    Then it is the process of form of industrial organization .

  23. 产业集群形成中的临港优势

    " Port - centered advantage " in formation of industrial clustering

  24. 区际产业转移形成的动力研究

    Research on impetus in the formation of regional industrial transter

  25. 产业集群形成的驱动因素分析

    Analysis on Stimulation Factors in the Formation of Industrial Cluster

  26. 区域资源型产业集群形成与优化发展研究

    Research on the Formation and Optimized Development of Regional Resource-based Industrial Cluster

  27. 开放条件下我国物流产业安全形成机理

    The Mechanism of Chinese Logistics Industry Security in Open Economy

  28. 沿海发达地区乡镇产业集群形成与发展研究

    Developed Coastal Areas of Township Industrial Cluster Formation and Development of Research

  29. 具体而言,共享性资源是影响旅游产业集群形成的基础。

    Specifically , shared resource is the foundation of forming industrial clusters .

  30. 船舶产业集群形成机制研究

    Study on the formation mechanism of shipbuilding industrial cluster