
  • 网络Upgrade of industrial structure;industrial upgrading;upgrading industrial structure
  1. 论高新技术对中国产业结构升级的促进作用

    On boost effect of high & new technology on upgrading industrial structure in China

  2. 本文以风险投资业为研究对象,围绕其对产业结构升级的促进作用展开,以广东省为例,加以实证分析。

    This paper takes the VC in Guangdong Province as the research object , and makes an intensive analysis on how does the development of VC plays a promoting role in upgrading industrial structure .

  3. 计量分析表明FDI对安徽总产值有较明显拉动作用,并促进其产业结构升级,但对就业的拉动效应并不显著。

    FDI has improved the structure of production . However , FDI has no obvious effect to the employment in Anhui province .

  4. 许多研究表明FDI对区域经济发展和产业结构升级有推动作用,浙江省是中国经济发展的前沿地区之一,一直以来浙江省的FDI也比较活跃。

    Many researches indicate that FDI is beneficial to the regional economic development and industrial structure promotion . Zhejiang Province is advanced in its economic development and always active in FDI .

  5. RD强度较低地区,GDP增长、产业结构升级和人力资本存量增加都能提高RD强度。

    And in the low RD intensity regions , GDP growth , the upgrading of industrial structure and the increase of human resource stock can improve the RD intensity .

  6. 第四章,阐述我国在CAFTA的建立过程中,应该如何充分发挥比较优势,协调与区内其它国家的贸易关系,不断进行贸易结构调整和产业结构升级。

    Chapter 4 , Expatiate how we use our competitive advantages to harmonize the trade relationship among CAFTA , and adjust our trade structure , upgrade the industry structure continuously .

  7. 自主创新对产业结构升级的模式研究

    Research on the Paths for the Indigenous Innovation Promoting Industrial Updating

  8. 利用外资对产业结构升级作用分析

    Analysis of Effect of Foreign Investment on Industry Structure Upgrading

  9. 后发展国家的追赶型产业结构升级模式;

    The pursuing model in the lately - developed countries ;

  10. 浙江省制造业产业结构升级的政府就业对策

    Employment Countermeasures Made by Zhejiang Government for the Upgrading of Manufacturing Structure

  11. 第五章国外产业结构升级的借鉴。

    The fifth chapter of foreign industry structure upgrade model .

  12. 技术选择、产业结构升级与经济增长

    Technology Choice , Upgrade of Industrial Structure and Economic Growth

  13. 加强科技创新,促进产业结构升级;

    Enhance the innovation of technology and upgrade the structure of industry ;

  14. 比较优势与产业结构升级

    Relative Superiority and Upgrading the Structure of the Industries

  15. 从技术创新角度看产业结构升级模式

    On the upgrading models of industrial structure from the standpoint of technological innovation

  16. 金融发展对产业结构升级的促进效应分析

    Analysis on the effect of financial development on the upgrading of industrial structure

  17. 浙江省高等教育结构优化与产业结构升级的适应性研究

    The Zhejiang Province Higher Education Structure Optimization and the Industrial Structure Promote Compatible Research

  18. 我国消费结构升级与产业结构升级的二个时间差

    Two time differences between the upgrade of consumption and the upgrade of industrial structure

  19. 传统经济增长理论完全排斥产业结构升级。

    The theory of traditional economic growth totally opposes the upgrading of industrial structure .

  20. 技工短缺、产业结构升级与农村经济发展

    The Technician Shortage , the Upgrade of Industrial Structure and the Development of Rural Economy

  21. 外国直接投资下的产业结构升级

    Industrial Structure Upgrading with Foreign Direct Investment

  22. 我国国防科技工业产业结构升级能力评价研究

    Research on Evaluation of the Industrial Structure Upgrading Ability for National-Defence Science & Technology Industry

  23. 论国际技术转移与我国产业结构升级

    International Technology Transformation and Industrial Structure Upgrading

  24. 实证研究结果为实施区域产业结构升级调整提供了有益的参考。

    The empirical results provide instructive suggestions for the adjustment of the regional industrial structure .

  25. 对华服务业直接投资对产业结构升级和人力资本积累的有限性

    Finiteness of China 's Inward Service FDI to Industrial Structure Upgrading and Human Capital Accumulation

  26. 生产要素的转换和流动是推动产业结构升级的基础。

    The change and mobility of the key element is the base of industry promoting .

  27. 产业结构升级与金融发展关系的实证研究

    A Positive Study on the Relationship between Upgrading of the Industrial Structure and Financial Development

  28. 第六,必须促进产业结构升级;

    Upgrading effect of industry structure ;

  29. 产业结构升级及有序演进与城市化之间存在着内在关联。

    It is a inherent relationship exist between the gradual progress of industrial structure and urbanization .

  30. 加快经济结构调整和产业结构升级是今后一个时期中国经济持续增长的关键。

    On the other hand , economic growth leads to the upgrade of the property structure .