
  1. 本论文是关于金融产业资本循环理论与政策研究。

    This thesis focuses on the theory and policy of capital circulation of the financial industry .

  2. 本文首先从马克思关于产业资本循环和周转的理论出发,分析了产业金融的作用;

    The paper analyses the role of industry finance through the Marxism theory on industry capital cycle .

  3. 根据马克思在《资本论》中的阐述,可以得出金融资源参与产业资本循环是社会化大生产的必然要求的结论;

    In Capital , Marx figured it inevitable that financial resources participated in the recycle of industrial capital in large-scale socialized production .

  4. 在理论上,金融产业资本循环效率可以区分为三个层次,即微观生产效率、中观配置效率和宏观功能效率。

    In theory , the circulation efficiency of financial industrial capital can be divided into micro production efficiency , middle allocation efficiency and macro function efficiency .

  5. 其四,我国金融交易中严重的道德、诚信与信用缺失,加重了信息不对称程度,进而强化了银行业信贷配给动机,损害了金融产业资本循环效率。

    Fourth , the serious shortage of morals and credit in the financial exchange in China has aggravated the intensity of information asymmetry , damaging the circulation efficiency of the capital .

  6. 论文运用马克思主义经济学的产业资本循环和生息资本理论,深入考察现代金融产业资本运动的新形式,全面总结了现代金融产业资本循环的路径。

    The thesis has applied the theory of industrial capital circulation of Marxism economics and its interest-bearing capital theory , investigated new form of the circulation of modern financial industry capital , and fully summarized its new route of circulation .

  7. 研究表明,金融产权制度安排、金融市场结构与价格机制、技术进步和金融创新、金融企业内部管理、社会信用环境与秩序都是影响金融产业资本循环效率的重要因素。

    Studies have suggested that financial property system , financial market structure and price mechanism , technological progress and finance innovation , management inside the financial enterprise , social credit environment and order are the important factors to influence circulation efficiency of financial industrial capital .

  8. 但大多数金融产业资本的循环是通过与其外部交易主体之间达成信用交易而完成的。

    However , most circulation was finished through the external credit exchange .

  9. 其一,现实垄断性的金融产业组织结构和人为分割的市场格局是导致中国金融产业资本循环低效的市场根源。

    First , the organization structure of the monopolistic financial industry and the artificially-separated market format are the market root of the low efficiency .