
  • 网络Industry Linkage
  1. 这种划分和组合,更有利于体现综合发展、产业联动和集中高效,将大连经济发展的活力更好的发挥与展现出来。

    This division and combination , is more conducive to reflect the comprehensive development , industry linkage and concentration efficiency , the vitality of the Dalian Economic Development and Growth Pole show up better .

  2. 但现有研究多停留在对产业联动这一术语的应用阶段,缺乏系统理论,存在研究空白,使得国家制定相关政策、企业进行投资决策时缺乏理论依据。

    But all present researches still steadied in the stage of just using the Industry Interaction or Industry Linkage term , where is blank of the system theory .

  3. 长三角物流产业联动发展对策

    Countermeasures on couple development of logistics industry in Yangtze River Delta

  4. 长江三角洲区域产业联动的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Industrial Associated-action in Yangtze River Delta

  5. 西部生态脆弱贫困区产业联动模式研究

    Operational Modes of Industrial Linkage in Ecologically Vulnerable Areas in Western China

  6. 基于产业联动的县域经济发展模式研究

    Based on Industrial linkage of County Economy Development Mode

  7. 京津冀产业联动视角下河北省城市产业定位研究

    Industrial Localization of Heibei cities & On the View of Industrial Linkage of Beijing Tianjin and Heibei

  8. 社会保障政策与就业联动的实证分析长三角物流产业联动发展对策

    A Positive Analysis on the Interaction of Social Security Policy and Employment Countermeasures on couple development of logistics industry in Yangtze River Delta

  9. 自驾车旅游推动产业联动发展,促进产业结构优化;自驾车旅游有利于优化旅游投资结构,引导旅游投资。

    Self-driving tour to promote industrial joint development of industrial structure ; self-driving tour is conducive to optimizing the investment structure tourism guide tourism investment .

  10. 在合肥经济圈加快发展的过程中,中心城市合肥与周边市县在规划衔接、交通融合、产业联动上正趋于不断强化。

    In the process of accelerated development of Hefei Economic Circle , the convergence planning , traffic fusion and industrial linkage of the central city of Hefei and the surrounding cities and counties are becoming continued strengthened .

  11. 针对旅游发展现状和相邻区域的比较,河津市应实施旅游意识提升战略、环境优先战略、产业联动战略、河滩一体化战略和区域竞合战略。

    Based on the developing situation and the comparison with neighboring region , Hejin City should carry out the strategy of promoting tourism awareness , that of environment development priory , that of industries interaction , that of integrating river and waterfront and that of regions competition and cooperation .

  12. 会展产业的联动效应是会展经济的直接体现。

    The connected effect is the direct embodiment of exhibition economy .

  13. 在城乡统筹的新形势下,产业的联动发展显得尤为必要。

    In the new situation of urban and rural co-ordination , the development of industrial linkage is particularly essential .

  14. 区域协调、产业分工联动发展是大势所趋,更是区域一体化发展的必然路径。

    The region coordination , the industrial division and linkage development is ultimately , even is the region integration development inevitable way .

  15. 五是农村改革发展中面临着许多深层次矛盾的解决需要小城镇与农业产业化联动发展,那么两者又有什么内在关联,两者的联动发展需采取什么政策措施;

    The common development of Small Cities & Towns and its agricultural industrialization can resolve the deeper difficulties in rural reform , what is it in relationships ;

  16. 主要采用与周边区域的协作发展、与台湾地区的协同发展、与相关产业的联动发展等措施。

    Sixthly : Regional coordinated development , mainly adopt the measures of coordinated development with boundary areas , tourist industry cooperation with Taiwan district and joint development with relative industries .

  17. 正确解决农村剩余劳动力转移问题,需要一、二、三产业全面联动推进,充分挖掘各个产业的就业潜力。

    The right way to solve village surplus labor force need to unite the first , the second and the third industry , scooping out the employment potential of the each industry .

  18. 日本都市间产业的联动发展,重点在大都市经济圈内部展开,并由此形成以东京、关西和名古屋为核心、各自相对独立的都市经济圈产业联动发展体系。

    Industrial interaction development between Japanese metropolis focuses on inside of metropolitan economic circle , Thus industrial development system has been formed , which takes Tokyo 、 Kansai and Nagoya as a core and in which metropolis can develop relatively independent .

  19. 同时,新技术环境的出现也为后电影产品的营销提供了新的机遇:互联网与移动互联网为其提供了新的传播平台;数字化的技术为相关产业的联动扫清了介质障碍。

    At the same time , the new technology also provided a new chance for the post-film to marketing its products : Internet and Mobile Internet created a platform for communication and digital technology removed the media barriers between film industry and other correlative industries .

  20. 宁镇扬经济板块产业集群的联动发展研究

    Research on Cooperation Development of Industrial Clusters in Nanjing-Zhenjiang-Yangzhou Economic Zone

  21. 长江上游经济带与长三角经济圈产业承接的联动

    The Economic Belt in the Upper Reaches of the Changjiang River and Acceptance of Industrial Shift from the Economic Circle in the Changjiang Delta

  22. 并提出了四种联动协同发展模式:产业调整型联动协同、资源开发型联动协同、科技合作型联动协同和投资融资型联动协同。&以优势资源利用为核心的产业集群论。

    Four models of coordinate development are proposed : they are industry adjustment , resource exploration , science and technique combination , investment and capital merge . - Theory of group industry based on the advantage of resources .

  23. 中国经济增长与产业结构变动的联动效应探析

    The Study on the Interaction Linkage of China 's Economic Growth and Industry Structure

  24. 产业与现代村落联动视觉下新农村建设路径研究

    Study on the Path of New Rural Construction under the Vision of Interlocked Industry and Modern Village

  25. 由于汽车产业的强大产业联动效应和高新技术吸附性,汽车产业一直被作为国民经济发展的支柱产业之一。

    The auto industry has been always taken as one of the pillar industries of national economy for its strong connected effect and also for the adsorption of high and new technology .

  26. 处于同一产业链上高度联动的两个行业的改革却不同步,导致了煤炭与发电企业多年来的矛盾一步步激化。

    At the same industrial chain , the reform of the two industries with a high degree of linkage is not synchronized , leading the contradictions between them a step by step sharpening over the years .

  27. 它可以带动诸如建筑、交通、通讯、运输、广告、旅游、宾馆、餐饮、城市建设等系列产业的发展,联动效应达到1:9。

    It can drive the development of a series of industries , such as traffic , transportation , communications , advertising , tourism , hotels , restaurants , urban construction and others , the linkage effects of 1:9 .

  28. 本文运用现代经济学方法对我国陆域产业和海洋产业联动发展进行了分析研究,其目的在于揭示这个联动发展的实质和过程。

    This paper analyses our country 's reciprocal development of marine industry and land industry , applying the methodology of modern economics to reveal the substance and progress of this development , and then some policies and suggestions will be given groundedly .

  29. 推动体育产业与网络文化产业联动发展具有重要的战略意义。

    Boosting the interactive development of the sport industry and the network culture industry is strategically important .

  30. 广西产业集群与产业集群物流联动发展研究

    The Study in Guangxi Industrial Cluster and Industry Cluster Logistics Integrated Development